Part 15

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Part 15

Cheryl's Point of View

Today was the day. Kimberley was doing her first performance of Shrek and it was safe to say she was nervous. We were both sitting in her dressing room, she was in costume and there was an hour until the show started. She was sitting across the room from me, she needed the space, that's how she dealt with her nerves.

“Cheryl, I don't think I can do this!” Kimberley said suddenly. I got up and walked over to her, taking her hands in mine before kneeling down in front of her.

“You can do this Kimba. I know you can.” I kissed both her hands before smiling at her.

“Give me a cuddle?” It was more of a demand than an ask, but I happily obliged. I got up, pulling her with me and wrapped my arms tightly around her.

“You're going to do amazing, babe.” I whispered in her ear. “What are you nervous about?”

“I'm nervous about messing up in front of you.” She mumbled in embarrassment.

“Why are you nervous about messing up in front of me?”

“Because, I want to make you proud.”

“Kimba, you always make me proud. No matter what you do. You could never disappoint me, babe.”


“Don't leave me, Cheryl!” Kimberley pleaded. The show was starting in twenty minutes and I needed to go and take my seat next to the rest of the girls.

“I have to babe, but I'll see you soon.” I placed my hand on her cheek and ran my thumb lightly across her lips. I turned to move away, but her hands on my waist were stopping me.

“I want a good luck kiss.” She pouted, making me laugh. She was so adorable sometimes!

“I would, but I don't want to mess up your make up.” I smirked, knowing this would drive her crazy.

“I don't care.” She leaned in closer, but I moved my head away, teasing her. “Cheryl!”

“I don't think your make up artists will be happy if I kiss you and mess it up.” I teased her. I moved closer to her, and rubbed my nose against hers, giving her an Eskimo kiss. “There, I gave you a kiss. Are you happy?”


I smiled before pressing my lips against hers. She rested her hand on the side of my neck, deepening the kiss. Her tongue brushed against mine, making a moan escape my mouth. I pulled away after that because I knew that it couldn't go any further right now.

“I need to go now...” I whispered as I gazed into her eyes. “You are going to be amazing babe, don't worry about anything.” I pecked her lips again. “Good luck, I love you Kimba.”

“I love you too babe.” She whispered as I walked out the room.


Five minutes before the musical started, my phone rang. After fishing it out of my bag, I looked at the caller ID. It was my American management team. I had been avoiding them for the past few days as I was spending as much time as I could with the girls and of course, Kimberley.

“What is it?” I snapped into the phone. I didn't want to miss any of the musical, and I knew Kimberley would never forgive me if I wasn't here for the start of it. “I'm a bit busy right now.”

“Cheryl, we need you back over in America. You were scheduled to come over here last week, but you cancelled.”

“I'm aware that I cancelled. I was busy.”

“Well we need you to come over so we can discuss some things.”

“If it's only to talk then surely we can do it over the phone or set up a video call? What do you need to talk to me about any way?”

“Well, your popularity has gone down a bit because you broke up with Craig...”

“I'm not getting back together with him. We've broken up for good. I'm not just going out with someone just so I can get some more publicity.”

“Okay, we understand but we need a statement...”

“Well, I can give you a statement over the phone tomorrow. Now, if that's all you wanted, I need to go.”

“Wait, Cheryl. There is one more thing...”

“What is it?” I sighed.

“We want you to leave Girls Aloud, we don't think it's doing any favours for you...”

“Are you f*cking stupid?” I growled at them. “You can f*ck right off if you think I'm leaving them. There is one thing I'm leaving though...”

“And what's that Cheryl?”

“You.” I replied simply. “I don't want any of you to be my management team for me any more. You've done nothing for me at all. I'll get Hillary to call you tomorrow. Goodbye.” I turned my phone off so they couldn't call back.

“Cheryl, who was that?” Hillary asked me suspiciously.

“My American management team.”

“What did you say to them?”

“I fired them. I told them that you would phone them tomorrow to sort things out.”

“Cheryl! You can't just do that!” Hillary hissed at me.

By this time, the lights in the theatre had gone down and the show was just about to start. “Shh, Hillary.” I scolded her. “No talking!” I smiled as I turned my attention to the stage.

I had Kimberley, I was staying in the UK and I had fired my management team. Everything was great.

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