Part 11

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Re: [Fan Fic] Chim - Let Me Love You (Part 10 Updated 16/10/11)

« Reply #115 on: October 19, 2011, 06:35:19 PM »


Part 11
Cheryl's Point of View

I walked into my hotel room later than I had expected. After rehearsals, Beth wanted to talk about some stuff and then I got stuck in traffic. I forgot how annoying it was to drive instead of having a driver to do it for you.

“Where have you been?” I turned around to see Craig standing behind me. His arms were crossed over his chest and his eyebrows were drawn close together, he was angry.

“Rehearsals, you knew that.” I replied as I walked passed him and sat down.

“You're late home!” He followed me and stood in front of me, blocking my view of the tv. Could he not see that I was trying to catch up on Corrie?

“I got stuck in traffic, I shouldn't have to explain myself to you.”

“Yes you do! I'm your boyfriend!” He shouted at me.

“Craig, you need to calm down!” I shouted back. “I told you before we came here that you wouldn't see me that much, but you still wanted to come. It's not my fault that you've got nothing to do and that you're not seeing me as much as you want to!”

“I'm sorry.” He sighed as he threw his arms around me. “I overreacted. Maybe we can go out for dinner on Saturday?”

“Can't do Saturday, I'm going round to Kimberley's house with the rest of the girls.”

“What's the point of me even being here then, Cheryl? I never see you any more!”

“I don't know.” I replied truthfully. “Maybe you should just go back to America.” I had never meant to say the last part, I just sort of blurted it out. I looked up at Craig waiting for him to say something.

“What are you trying to say?” He bent down onto his knees and took both of my hands in his. “Please don't do this, Cheryl!”

“No, I have to.” I pulled my hands away and stood up. “I'm sorry Craig, it's over. For good. Just go back to America and forget about me.”

He began to cry so I left him to it. I pulled my suitcase out from under the bed and quickly began throwing all my stuff into it. When I was sure I had everything, I left the hotel. I was going to need to find somewhere else to go because I didn't think it was fair to break up with Craig and then make him leave the hotel.


I stood at the door, waiting in the rain for it to open. Even though it had only been a minute or so, it seemed like hours and I was now soaking because of the rain. I didn't care though. I had been crying as well, and I don't know why. I wasn't upset about leaving Craig, it was something I knew I had to do, I was just so emotional for no reason at all.

“Oh god Cheryl!” Kimberley exclaimed when she eventually opened the door to her house. “What the hell has happened to you?”

“I got into a fight with Craig.. I told him to go back to America.”

“You've broken up with him?”

I nodded in reply, I was too tired and to talk properly.

“Get inside.” She ordered, opening the door wider. “Nicola's here, but that isn't a problem is it?”

I shook my head.

“Right, you probably still have spare clothes upstairs, go and take a shower and get changed. I'll make you a cuppa.”

“T-Thanks.” I whispered before going up the stairs to take my shower.


Kimberley's Point of View

“Who was that at the door?” Nicola asked when I walked back into the living room. “Surely it's a bit late for people visiting, I mean it's ten o'clock or something!”

“It's Cheryl.” I replied as I sat back down next to her.

“What's she doing here? Is everything okay? Did you send her home?”

“No, I didn't send her home. I told her to go upstairs and have a shower. The poor girl was soaking by the time I had answered the door. She didn't say much to me, all I know is that she's left Craig.”

“Oh, well do you think I should go now? I don't want to feel like I'm intruding or anything...”

“It's up to you, but I think she'd appreciate it if you stayed a little while longer. I think she wants the company.”

“Well then, I'll stay for a while longer.”

I went into the kitchen to make Cheryl a cup of tea and something to eat. I felt sorry for her now, not because she had broke up with Craig, but because now she only had me to rely on. She knew that she could come to me at any time and I would be there to help her. She had no one else to trust because she let them all go when she went to America.

I went back through to the living room and talked to Nicola whilst we waited for Cheryl to come back downstairs. She appeared about ten minutes later with a new change of clothes on and a towel wrapped around her hair to stop it from dripping. She curled up next to me on the couch and drank her cup of tea and picked at the food I had made her.

“Are you okay, Chez?” Nicola asked as she looked at Cheryl with curios eyes.

“Aye pet.” She smiled, but I knew it was a forced one. “I'm just a bit tired and confused. Nothing I can't get through.”
“Well that's good.” Nicola smiled back, she was more relaxed now that she knew Cheryl was okay. Even if she didn't admit it, I knew she missed Cheryl and wanted to be her friend again. “It's getting late and I have an early day tomorrow, but if you need anything just give us a call.” She hugged Cheryl tightly before following me to the door.

“Kimberley, look after her.” She hugged me. “I know that she's p****d us all off, but even she doesn't deserve to be left on her own. It will make me feel better knowing that you're there for her.”

“I know Nic, don't worry about it. I'll look after her.”

I closed the door after Nicola left and walked back into the living room. Cheryl was still in the same position had been in since she had sat down. When I sat next to her, she moved, placing her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm protectively around her, not really knowing what to say or do.

“Thank you.” Cheryl yawned as she turned her head slightly so that she could look at me. “You know for letting me just come here without any warning.”

“It's okay, I'm always gonna be here for you. No matter what.”


“Of course. I know a lot has happened in the past, but it's just made us both stronger. I don't ever want to lose you again Cheryl.”

“I don't want to lose you either, Kimba. It was stupid for me to go to America.”

“It wasn't stupid, it was a good idea. You just forgot about the people most important to you.”

“Yeah, that's true.” I noticed that she was trying hard not to fall asleep. “Is it okay if I sleep here tonight? I don't have anywhere else to go. I left Craig at the hotel and I don't really want to go back there.”

“Of course you can stay. I think you still have pyjamas here anyway, and you don't have to sleep on the couch, you can share my bed... if you want to?”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I'd feel awful if you had to sleep on the couch and I was sleeping in the bed. The couch is a killer on the back.”

“Let's go then.” She smiled as she stood up, extending her arm to help me up.

We walked into the bedroom and just stood there for a few seconds taking it all in. This room brought back so many memories, it felt weird being back in it with Cheryl right beside me. I eventually started moving again, and I gave her some pyjamas to wear. I walked into the bathroom to get changed whilst Cheryl got changed in the bedroom. When I walked back in, she was already tucked up in bed. I slipped into the covers next to her and stared at her.

“Brings back some memories, eh?”

“Yeah.” I managed to whisper. I placed my hand in hers, locking our fingers together. “Night.”

“Sweet dreams Kimba.”

Chim - Let Me Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now