Part 5

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Part 5

Cheryl's Point Of View

“What are you playing at?” It was a text. A text from Kimberley.

I had no idea what she was going on about, but I didn't care. I was just glad that she still had my number after all of this time.

“What are you going on about..? :/” I texted back, hoping she would reply soon. To my delight, she did.

“You know what! How can you mess with Nicola's head? You know what she's like! She's with me now, crying her eyes out because of the text you sent her!”

I didn't know what was hurting more. The fact that Kimberley was even angrier at me, or the fact that Nicola and Kimberley had met up and not bothered to invite me. The three of us used to be really close. In fact, that's why I had texted Nicola first. I knew that Nicola was now closer to Kimberley than any of the other girls, meaning that she had some influence over her. If I was able to become closer to Nicola again, then maybe Kimberley would open up to me some more... I had never meant for the text to be taken the wrong way though. I had genuinely wanted to hang out with Nicola. It seemed as if now, I couldn't do anything right...

“I'm sorry.. it wasn't meant to be like that. I just wanted to talk to her.” I pressed the send button and waited for a reply. I didn't know what kind of reaction to expect from Kimberley. She was already angry at me, and I knew that the text situation had made her even more angrier at me.

“Nic's just left.. do you want to come over and talk about this?” I re-read the text a few times, making sure I understood what it was asking. She actually wanted to meet up with me...

“Sure, when do you want me over?”

“Just now if that's ok... I'm not busy, but if you are we can reschedule?” I looked at the time, I was meant to be going out with Craig soon. He was in the bathroom, getting ready. I wanted to see Kimberley, so I knew I had to reschedule with Craig.

“No, that's fine. Be over soon... ” I got up from the couch and grabbed my bag, throwing my phone into it. I wandered through the hotel room we were staying in and found Craig.

“Babe, I need to go out. It's a Girls Aloud emergency.” I lied. “We can go out later though, yeah?”

“Sure, that's fine. I'll just watch some tv.” He smiled before planting a small kiss on my forehead. “I'll see you later.” After hugging and kissing him goodbye, I left the hotel and got in my car to drive to Kimberley's. I suddenly began to get very nervous. I hadn't spoke to her properly in almost a year...

Ten minutes later I was standing outside Kimberley's house. I didn't know whether to just walk in or ring the doorbell. I used to always just walk in, but things had changed and I thought it would be rude to. I ended up ringing the doorbell and a few seconds later, the door opened. Kimberley was standing there, she smiled weakly at me before opening the door wider to let me in. It was weird standing in her house again. I used to spend so much time here. It still smelled and looked the same, she hadn't changed much a part from re-paint the hall. I lingered in the hallway as I waited for her to close the door and walk in front of me so that I could follow her. I could sense that she was just as nervous as me.

“Do you want a drink?” She asked me as she walked in front of me and headed into the kitchen. I followed her, and stood in the doorway, not really knowing what to do with myself.

“Erm, yes.. water please.” I replied, clearing my throat afterwards.

“Just water? You sure?”

“Yeah, that's what I'm made to drink in America. The people that look after me over there say I shouldn't drink anything else.”

“Right.” She scoffed before filling up a glass of water and handing it to me. I followed her through to the living room and watched as she took a seat on the couch. “You can come and sit down you know.”

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