Part 6

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Part 6

Cheryl's Point of View

I had been in the studio for ages now. I had lost track of how long, but I knew it was just past nine o'clock. I wanted to get out of here as soon as I could, I had promised Kimberley I would go and see her and I intended to keep that promise.

“Can I leave yet?” I sighed as I took the headphones off. I picked up my bottle of water and took a drink, my throat was beginning to get sore.

“No, not yet. We need to get this right and then you can go.” David replied apologetically. He had come with me to the studio to make sure everything was running smoothly.

“Can we not do it another time? I've got plans.”

“No, we need to get this done.”

“But David, I prom-”

“Cheryl, I know!” He snapped, cutting me off. “I know you have plans, but if you don't get this done then everything is going to be off schedule. They want the song recorded now, so let's just do that.. ok?”

I knew that it was something I was going to have to do. So I decided to shut up. The quicker I got it done, the sooner I would be able to go and see Kimberley.

~*~*~*~ 1 Hour Later ~*~*~*~

As soon as I was told I was allowed to leave, I ran to my car and sped off to Kimberley's house. It was just past ten o'clock and I wondered if she would still even be up. That was the thing about Kimberley, she always went to bed early like an old woman. When I reached her house, I parked my car next to hers and made my way up to the house. When she didn't answer the door the first time, I rang the doorbell again. There was still no answer so I decided to just go in. The house was dark, Kimberley had obviously either gone to be or forgot to turn the lights on. Luckily, I knew the house like the back of my hand so I didn't trip over anything whilst walking.

I walked into the living room and found Kimberley lying on the couch exactly where I had left her hours ago. I crouched down next to her, my hand brushing against her cheek. Her face was still wet, and I felt bad for leaving her in such a mess. The thought of Kimberley alone and crying made my heart ache. She didn't deserve this. She was sleeping now though, but she still looked upset. I couldn't help but think that part of this was my fault. If I hadn't left her, then maybe I could have made her happier...

I moved my hand away from her cheek, and took her hand in mine instead. She was freezing cold. I stood up from my position and then scooped Kimberley up in my arms. Still sleeping, she wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her head into my hair that had fallen in front of my shoulders. This is how it used to be. This is how it was meant to be. This is how I wanted it to be. As I walked up the stairs with Kimberley, I looked at her. She hadn't changed at all, she was still as beautiful as she had been years ago when I had met her.

When we got to her room, I removed her arms from my neck and  placed her down on the bed. It used to be our bed, and now I could tell that she shared it with Justin. I looked around the room. It had changed a lot. She had redecorated and moved some furniture around. A lot of Justin's stuff was in here as well. In my opinion, it just made it look messy. I didn't know much about Justin, but already I didn't like him. I never thought Kimberley would get with a guy who was so messy and rude. Then again, I thought me and Kimberley would be together forever so there would never be a man involved. All I wanted was for her to be happy, with or without me, but I didn't think Justin was doing that for her.

I knelt down beside her bed and took her hand in mine. I don't know how long I sat there, just watching her, making sure that she was ok and she wasn't going to wake up or cry again. When I knew that she wasn't going to, I decided it was time for me to go. I let go of Kimberley's hand and stood up.

“Sweet dreams, Kimba.” I whispered as I kissed her forehead before quietly exiting the room. With the spare key I had been given years ago, I locked her front door when I left and got into me car. I could relax now, because I knew Kimberley was going to be ok.

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