Part 2

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Part 2

Kimberley's Point Of View

“Kimberley, I'm so-” Cheryl started, but I quickly interrupted her.

“If you're gonna say you're sorry, then just follow your pathetic boyfriend out of here Cheryl because I don't want to hear it! If you were sorry, you would never have done it, you wouldn't have been ashamed Cheryl!” I yelled at her through my tears.

“Kimberley, I don't know what to say then... I never meant for it to happen the way it did. It shouldn't have happened the way it did. I swear Kimberley, if I could go back in time and change it, then I would. I don't love Craig as much as I love you, I can never love anyone as much as you!” She cried.

“Well you should have thought about that before you told me you told me that us being together was disgusting and you were ashamed about it!”

“I only said that to you to make things easier! I never wanted to leave you!”

“You didn't have to leave me! You could have said no to the X-Factor deal, you could have said no when they asked if you wanted to move out there to work on your third album, but you didn't because you were being greedy and only thinking about yourself!”

“You told me to go for it! You were the one who said it would be good for me and my career!”

“I loved you Cheryl! Of course I was going to tell you to go for it! I wanted what was best for you, I wanted you to be happy!”


“Yes Cheryl, loved. It's a word. It's when someone used to love someone or something.”

“So, you don't love me now?” She sounded hurt.

“I don't know Cheryl. You're not the same person I used to know. Anyway, your boyfriend is probably waiting and I need to go.” I turned to walk away from her, but she put her arm out, stopping me.

“Kimberley, why does everyone hate me?” Tears were streaming down her face and it took all the power within me from hugging her and telling her that everything was going to be ok.

“You changed, Cheryl. That's what happened. You changed and left us all behind whilst you lived it up in America.”

“That's not fair! Nadine lives in LA too and you're not all hating her!”

“No Cheryl, she doesn't any more. She moved back when Sarah's boyfriend broke up with her. She was such an emotional wreck that Nadine felt as if she had to come home. She left all her family and friends out there, and even her boyfriend. He broke up with her a few days later because he didn't want her to live so far away. Of course, you wouldn't know this though because you haven't even bothered to keep in touch.”

“Why did no one call or text me?”

“Why would we Cheryl? You've not returned my calls or texts. I sort of understood that at first because of what had happened between us, but then you started ignoring Nicola. Do you know how upset she was? She used to cry to me and tell me she didn't know what to do because she didn't have you to talk to, Cheryl. I've now become like her big sister, it's me she's coming to for advice. I'm  the one that's been there for most of her tv appearances, recording them all just so she knows how proud I am of her. I was the one who sat at the side of the stage cheering her on at her first solo gig.”

“I've missed so much.” She whispered. “I didn't mean to make Nicola feel like that.”

“There's no point explaining it to me.” I huffed. “Can I leave now?”

“Wait, one more thing..”


“Will the girls forgive me?”

“I don't know. Probably. Although some will take more convincing than others.” I started to walk down the corridor, but was stopped once again by her voice.

“Will you be able to forgive me?”

I laughed darkly and shook my head as I turned to face her. “You think I'll just be able to forgive you? It's not as easy as that. You've got more chance of getting all three of the girls to forgive you before you can get me to.” With that, I walked out of the building.

It was the night Cheryl was leaving for America. She had to be at the airport in an hour and I had gone round to her house to see her before she was leaving. We had been dating for six months secretly. We hadn't told anyone yet, but we were planning to tell the girls soon, we didn't like having secrets with them. I parked my car outside Cheryl's house and made my way inside. I found her sitting on the couch, with her head in her hands. She was obviously thinking about something that was making her stressed.

“You ok, babe?” I asked as I took a seat next to her. I tried to put my arm around her, but she shrugged it away and then moved to the opposite couch. “What is wrong Cheryl?” I asked, but this time with a more serious tone.

“Nothing is wrong Kimberley.” She replied, her voice was weak and strained. She was tired, she needed to sleep.

“There is something wrong, Cheryl tell me. We don't have much time.” I hated reminding her of that fact, but I had to. If we didn't talk about it now, then I wouldn't be seeing her for at least two months and I knew it couldn't last that long.

“I just don't want to go!” She cried as tears started falling down her cheeks. “I don't want to leave everything behind!”

“Babe, everything is going to be fine. You'll be coming home to visit, it will be fine.”

“Don't call me babe, Kimberley.” She warned suddenly. “I don't want anyone overhearing.”

“How is anyone going to overhear? We're in your house..”

“So? Could you imagine if the American public found out I had a girlfriend? Could you imagine what that would do to my image?”

“It's not all about your image Cheryl. To be honest, I think they'd love you the same even if they did know.”

“That's not the point Kimberley! I'd be mortified and disgusted if they found out!” Her tone of voice was stronger now, like she was attacking me directly.

“Are you trying to say that our relationship is disgusting?” I challenged, my voice raising higher so it matched hers.

“Well, it's not normal is it? You don't see girl going down the streets holding hands and kissing do you? You only see it on EastEnders and Corrie! They're bloody soaps, they're not even real!”

I could feel the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. Was she really saying what I think she was saying? That our relationship wasn't real, that it was fake? “You're ashamed of me? You're ashamed and disgusted that you're in a relationship with me?”

“Yes Kimberley, yes I *ducking* am.” She screamed. “I'm moving to America and I don't need to be reminded that I have a girlfriend back here!”

“What are you trying to say Cheryl?” I managed to ask in between sobs.

“We're over. Our whole relationship was one stupid mistake.”

I didn't need to hear any more. I picked myself up from the couch and ran out the house as fast as I could. When I got into my car, I sped away from the house, trying to get as far away as possible. When I was far enough away, I pulled over to the side of the road and cried. I didn't know what else to do.

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