Part 22

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Part 22

Cheryl's Point of View

I sat curled up on the sofa crying. Hillary and David were on the other one opposite me, watching helplessly. Nothing they could say or do was going to calm me down, I needed my Kimberley which was why I had called her and asked her to come home. Hillary and David had told me that I couldn't be dating Kimberley and the stunt that I had pulled was very risky and unprofessional. Why couldn't they just let us be happy for once? This is all I wanted. To be with her for the rest of my life. I didn't want anything else.

“Chez!” Kimberley voice startled me and I looked up in time to see her running over to me and throwing her arms around me. Thankful for her contact, I hugged her back tightly, burying my head into her neck. “What's going on babe, why are you crying?” She asked me, completely oblivious to David and Hillary who were sitting there, watching the scene unfold in front of their own eyes.

“Get them to explain it to you!” I sobbed into her shoulder. She turned slightly to see David and Hillary and I heard her sigh loudly. I think she knew what was coming next.

“Hillary, will you please explain to me what's going on?” She asked politely, moving so that I was sitting on her lap cuddled into her and she was facing the other two.

“We're going to tell you exactly what we told Cheryl just over a year ago. We don't think it's a good idea if the two of you are in a relationship. You're being selfish about it, can you imagine what it's going to do to the band and to your solo careers?”

“Hillary, you and David broke me and Cheryl apart once and you're not going to do it again. We're not being selfish about this, the girls have all said they were happy for us, even Nicola is. Right now, I don't care about my solo career or the band and I doubt Cheryl does either. We're in love, and there's nothing you can do to change that. If we lose fans, then it shows how disloyal they are. We're still the same people, we still sound and act the same so there is no reason for them to hate us.”

I smiled at Kimberley's speech. I wish I had had the confidence to say this to them when they made me break up with her. I cuddled in closer to her and kissed her cheek. I loved her and I agreed with everything she had just said. I was so relieved that Nicola was okay with it all too, I really did want to rebuild my trust and relationship with her.

“...What Cheryl done was unprofessional, people will not be ready for the two of you dating!” David cried, snapping me out of my thoughts. Kimberley had obviously said something to p*ss him off.

“If people aren't ready now, then they'll never be ready.” Kimberley replied calmly. “The fact is that the band has been together for nearly ten years. On loads of occasions we have shown our affection towards one another and the public have never acted badly towards it.”

“It's different though!” He stressed. “This time, the two of you are actually dating.”

“It doesn't change anything, we're still the same people. We're not going to have sex in f*cking public or anything, it's not going to affect them. Nothing is going to change. People are just going to have to accept it.”

I sighed as David started arguing again. My phone vibrated and I reached over and picked it up. I had a text from Nicola.

“Is everything okay chick?xx”

“Not really, David and Hillary are telling me and Kimberley we're being selfish by being together... bless Kimba though, she's fighting our corner xx”

“That's a f*cking joke! Of course she's fighting your corner, she loves you. I'm really happy for the two of you, can we meet up sometime soon?xx”

“I know it is, and of course we can! How about you come round tomorrow for a few glasses of wine?xx”

“Sounds great babe! See you soon!xx”

Throwing my phone on the seat next to me, I listened to Kimberley and David's argument. He was growing tired of Kimberley's persistence and it made me smile to myself, but also made me feel a bit guilty. She was fighting for me, the way I should have fought for her just over a year ago. I looked over at Hillary who was now on her phone texting someone. Suddenly, she looked up at me and then sighed.

“David, we need to go.” She stated as she stood up. “Nicola says she needs to talk to us.”

“This isn't over girls!” David also stood up and they walked out of the house.

I turned to look at Kimberley who was smiling lovingly at me, she was gorgeous. Leaning in, I kissed her lips softly, wrapping my arms around her neck.

“Come on babe...” She mumbled against my lips as she tried to get up. “Lets go upstairs and finish off were we left off in the dressing room...”

Nicola's Point of View

The doorbell rang and I let Hillary and David into my flat. I led them into the living room and they took a seat on the sofa. The two of them had no idea why they were here and the confusion that they had was evident on their faces.

“Nicola, we were in the middle of something very important!” Hillary stressed. “What is this emergency that you needed to speak to us right away about?”

“It's about Cheryl and Kimberley actually.” I replied. “I want to talk to you about them.”

“Okay...” She replied, still completely confused. “What is it?”

“It's come to my attention that the two of you don't like Cheryl and Kimberley being together do you?”

“No we don't.” David cut in. “They're being selfish and they're not thinking about the band as a whole.”

“Hmm...” I nodded, pretending to agree with him.

“Do you realise how many fans we could lose?”

“Well, we can't be losing fans now, can we?”

“I'm glad one of you have sense!” David smiled in relief. “We need to get them to break up.”

“Right, well, I have something I need to tell you about the two of them and what will happen if you break them a apart...”

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