Part 7

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Part 7

Kimberley's Point of View

Cheryl didn't keep her promise. She didn't come back for me. I can't believe I even thought she would. Who was I kidding when I believed her? Why would she even come back for me? She had a perfect life without me, she didn't need me in it.

I woke up in my bed, I don't know how I got there though. Then again, I don't remember much about yesterday. I remember Cheryl coming over and then Justin and I fighting. I looked at my phone, I had four missed calls from Justin. I didn't want to talk to him just now. I was still upset by him. I got out of my bed and got ready for the day. We had rehearsals today, so I knew I was going to see her.


“KIMBERLEEEEEEY!” Nicola squealed as she saw me walking into the dance studio. She ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “I've missed you!”

“You saw me yesterday.” I giggled as I hugged her back. I knew that she hadn't really missed me, she was just glad that I had turned up because the room was awkward with Cheryl in it. I was the last one there and I wondered how long they had all been sitting there waiting for me to come.

“She hasn't spoken to me.” Nicola whispered as I pulled away from her. I gave her a knowing smile and nodded my head before moving over to the other side of the studio.

“How's it going Nadine?” I asked, throwing my stuff down next to her,

“God Kimberley!” She jumped. “Be a bit quieter yeah?”

“Has someone got a hangover?” I laughed, kicking her softly with the tip of my foot.

“No,” Nicola interrupted. “two of them have hangovers.” I looked over at Sarah to see that she was in the same position as Nadine. Both of them had their knees drawn up to their chests and their heads were in their hands.

“Do I even want to know what the two of you were up to last night?”

“No Kimberley. No you don't.” Nadine grumbled. “It's all Sarah's fault.”

I took a seat on the floor beside Nicola as Sarah and Nadine started to argue. Beth was going to kill them for having a hangover, and I didn't even want to think about what Hillary was going to say to them. Nicola nudged me, bringing me back to reality as I thought about how much trouble they were going to get into. I turned my head and shot her a quizzical look.

“She's staring at you, you know.” I followed Nicola's gaze across the room to find Cheryl sitting on her own. She had her phone in her hand and when she saw me looking, she quickly looked down at it.

“She's probably just wondering what we're joking about... she probably misses being a part of it.” I replied. I was still looking at Cheryl and I felt sorry for her sitting over there on her own, but I didn't want to go over to her. She had broken her promise so why should I try to be friends with her again?

“Yeah well she needs to minds her own business! It's her fault she's not part of it any more.” Sarah joined in. Nicola laughed at her comment, causing Cheryl to look up. I think she knew they were laughing at her, I could see the flash of pain in her eyes.

“Enough of that!” I snapped. “Everyone makes bad decisions, she's still part of the band and that's that.” All the girls, including Cheryl, looked at me. None of them said anything though, they were in shock that I had actually stood up for Cheryl.

I sat there staring into space, I didn't want to look at Nicola, Nadine or Sarah because I was still angry at them, but I didn't want to look at Cheryl because I was still angry at her. Luckily, Beth and Hillary walked in, capturing everyone's attention.

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