Part 4

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Part 4

Kimberley's Point Of View

After having that talk with Cheryl last week, I knew things were going to be difficult between us. I knew that I had to be the one in the band that was nice to her and included her in things, after all, I was the one that everyone looked up to for advice. I couldn't just ignore her because of what she had done. Besides, none of the girls knew about that, and I think it would be best not to tell them now. It was the weekend and I had the day off from Shrek rehearsals, I had nothing planned except for a lazy day in the house with Justin. He was still upstairs sleeping, and he would be for at least another couple of hours. He wasn't used to getting up early.

I pottered about the house, cleaning up and listening to music. Checking my phone, I saw I had a text from Nicola. “Hey babe, you up to anything today? Not really seen you in ages! Was thinking about popping round? x”

It was true, I had been busy the past week with rehearsals and such and hadn't really had time for Nicola. Of course, I had called her and texted her almost everyday, but it really wasn't the same. “Course you can, babe. You're always welcome x”

I put the kettle on for Nicola coming over, no doubt she'd want a cup of tea whilst she gossiped with me. Leaving the tea to brew, I went upstairs and put some nicer clothes on instead of my pyjamas. By the time I had finished, I heard the doorbell go. “Just come in, Nic!” I called as I ran down the stairs.

“Hey babe!” She greeted me with a cuddle. She took  her sunglasses off and hung her coat up. She looked tired, both mentally and physically.

“Nic, there's something wrong, isn't there?” I asked, placing my hand on her back and guiding her through to the kitchen. She took a seat at the table and after handing her a cup of tea, I sat opposite her. “Do you want to talk about it? I'm all ears..”

“It's nothing, honestly.”

“Are you sure, hun?”

“Yeah, I'm just tired. I feel like I've not had a break in ages since the album has been put out. I just need some time to relax. You know, have a cup of tea and watch a good movie.”

I wasn't convinced that's what was really wrong with her, but I decided to play along. One thing I learnt quickly about Nicola was that if you kept asking her what was wrong, she would get angry at you very quickly. “Ok, well we can watch a good movie with a cup of tea just now if you want? You go choose a movie and I'll get some snacks.”

I rumaged around the kitchen looking for some snacks. There wasn't a lot of food in the cupboard, so I made a mental note to myself to get Justin to go shopping later. I heard Nicola rake through the DVD's in the living room, I knew that she would have them all pulled out around her and wouldn't be able to pick one to watch.

“You chose one yet, Nic?” I asked as I walked back through carrying some chocolate and popcorn.

“What about this?” She asked, holding up Monsters. Inc.

“That's Chloe's for when she comes and visits Justin!” I laughed. “Is that really what you want to watch?”

“Yup!” She replied, nodding her head vigorously like an exited five year old. “I love this movie, it's amazing!”

“Ok then, we'll watch it.” I smiled at her cuteness. “Put it on then.”

She went over to the DVD player and put it on and then came over and sat next to me on the couch. She cuddled into me, resting her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms protectively around her. The starting credits hadn't even disappeared before I felt Nicola's tears fall onto my skin.

“I knew there was something wrong... just let it all out.” I whispered, kissing the top of her head. Her tears started to flow quicker and her sobs became louder. I just sat there with her, holding her until she stopped crying. I knew that's all she wanted me to do.

“I-I'm sorry...” She sobbed about ten minutes later when she stopped crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and her make up was smudged.

“Don't be silly!” I replied, dismissing her apology with a wave of my hand. “Now, what's bothering you?”

Nicola reached over and grabbed her bag that was lying on the floor at her feet and fumbled through it, she was looking for something. I just didn't know what. A few seconds later, she pulled out her phone. I looked at her confused, I hadn't even heard it go off. “Look...” She said as she handed me her phone. On the screen, there was a text message, from Cheryl.

“Hey babe, I know we've not spoken in a while, but I think we should hang out. So we can get things how they used to be.. x”

The text made me angry. I understood why she was trying to be friends with the girls again. After all, she was going to have to work with us again... but she knew how vulnerable and emotional Nicola was. Why would she text her first?

“Babe... I don't know what to say... are you the only one who got a text?”

“Yeah” she nodded. “I checked with Sarah and Nadine and they said they hadn't had one. I suppose you haven't either then?”

“No, babe. I haven't.”

“I don't want to hang out with her. She's not the same Cheryl that I used to know. She's just... so different. I don't even recognise her any more.”

“It's ok, you don't have to hang out with her if you don't want to. I know she's changed, and it will take some time to get used to, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it. We're all going to have to.”

“Kimba... I miss her. Is that normal?”

“Of course it is!” I gave her the best reassuring smile I could fake. “She's been in your life for so long that it makes sense that you miss her.”

“Do you miss her?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “Of course I do. We used to be so close, she was my best friend.” I blinked back the tears that were forming in my eyes. I was meant to be comforting Nicola while she cried, I couldn't let her see me crying.

“I just don't know why she's texting me and no one else!”

“Me neither, but let's just calm down and forget about it. Let's just watch the film.” Nicola nodded in agreement and cuddled back down into me. I reached over and picked up my phone from the coffee table in front of us.

“What are you playing at?” I sent the text to Cheryl before I could talk myself out of it.

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