Part 20

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Part 20

Kimberley's Point of View

As soon as the curtains closed, I ran off the stage. I was met with members of staff helping me out of my Fiona costume. Time was going so slow, all I wanted to do was go to my dressing room to see Cheryl. I knew she would be there waiting for me. When they eventually got it off, I pulled on my dressing gown on and hurried away, in direction of my dressing room.

Stopping outside of it, I placed my hand on the door handle. I suddenly began to feel nervous knowing that Cheryl was behind that door. She wasn't just Cheryl any more, she was my girlfriend again. It changed everything. I breathed out deeply as I pulled the handle down, opening the door.

“Chez...” I sighed in relief as I saw her sitting on the chair in front of me. She put down her phone and looked up, smiling at me.

“Good show?” She asked innocently. “I heard someone crashed the show... why would someone do such a thing?” She smirked.

Closing the door and locking it, I turned back to Cheryl and walked over to her. Stopping in front of her, she grabbed either side of my waist and pulled me down on top of her, positioning me so that my legs were on either side of her body. She leaned in, latching her mouth onto my neck as she began to nip at the skin.

“I know.” I agreed, playing along with her. “Why would someone do that? It was such a surprise!” I ran my hands through her hair, enjoying the feeling of her lips on my skin.

“Well, the person who done it was obviously crazy about Princess Fiona. You can't blame them though, she is gorgeous.” I couldn't help but let out a low moan when she found my pulse point, I could feel her smiling before she began to slowly suck on it. Her hands travelled from my waist to the front of my stomach where the belt for my dressing gown was. With one swift movement, she pulled it off, throwing it on the floor. She began pulling at the dressing gown and I carelessly shrugged it off my shoulders, helping her get it off. That too, was quickly discarded into a messy heap on the floor. Her lips moved from my neck, leaving a trail of kissed going further down my body. I felt her fingertips on the waistband of my underwear and I nodded to let her know it was okay to take them off.

“Kimberley are you in here?” Hillary's voice caused Cheryl to withdraw her hands completely. Even though the door was locked, she had still given us a fright.

“Yes I am, Hillary.” I called back to her, extremely p!ssed off that she had ruined mine and Cheryl's moment.

“Is Cheryl there with you?”

“Why?” I stood glued to the spot as Cheryl picked up my dressing gown and put it on me, tying the belt before using it to pull me closer to her, pecking her lips.

“We need to talk to you both.”

“Who's we?”

“Me and the girls.”

For a minute, I had completely forgotten about the girls. None of them had any idea of what was going on. They would have been more surprised than anyone else. I looked at Cheryl who nodded at me and then glanced towards the door.

“I'll let them in.” She mumbled before kissing me quickly. I could tell Cheryl was more nervous than me, which probably wasn't a good thing. Cheryl had always been the one to speak up when she had a problem with something, she put on a brave face though and unlocked the door as I took a seat, waiting for everyone to come in.

No one said anything as they entered and the first thing I noticed was that Nicola wasn't there. Pulling up a seat each, Nadine, Sarah and Hillary all sat around me. Cheryl on the other hand closed the door and sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck and cuddling into me. I think it was her way of showing Hillary that no matter what, she wasn't leaving me this time.

“I can't believe it...” Nadine was the first one to speak. “How the hell did we not figure out that the two of you were together?!?” Her unreadable expression on her face turned into a smile and both me and Cheryl let out a sigh of relief. “I am so happy for the two of you!”

“Me too,” Sarah chipped in. “I can't believe we didn't figure it out before though! I feel like a right twat!” She laughed, and Cheryl, Nadine and I all joined in. Hillary didn't though, and I knew she was soon going to be annoyed of everything that had happened tonight.

“So, you're not angry?” I asked the two of the girls, I was relieved to see that the two of them were taking it so well.

“Course we're not babe!” Nadine replied. “We're both really happy for you!” Sarah nodded in agreement.

“Thanks for being so understanding.” I nudged Cheryl, hoping she would say something, but all she did was nod and smile at them. “I know Cheryl hasn't said anything, but she thanks you too.”

“Is our Chez really lost for words?” Sarah joked.

“No, I just can't believe it all...” Cheryl finally spoke. “I just can't put into words how happy I am.”

“Aww, babe.” Nadine squealed. “It's so obvious you're in love!”

“That's because I am, Nads. I'm in love with Kimberley, and I'm really glad that you have all accepted it.”

“Not everyone has...” Hillary interrupted, making everyone turn and look at her. “Where do you think Nicola is?”

“No..” Cheryl muttered. “No, she hasn't run away has she?”

“Yes, she has. She was shocked and after the show she left.” She replied bluntly.

“No! That wasn't meant to happen!” Cheryl yelled in frustration. “Someone needs to go and talk to her!”

“Babe, calm down.” I ran my hands up and down her back soothingly. “It's okay, you can go and talk to her.”

“No, you do it. After I left, you were the one who took my place. Please Kimba, go and talk to her.” Her eyes were filling with tears that she was violently blinking back, she was really upset by all of this and I knew that I couldn't say no to her.

“Okay, I will.” I kissed her cheek. “Don't worry it's going to be okay.”

“Go and talk to her now, I'll meet you back at home.”

“That's a good idea because I need to speak to you in private Cheryl.” Hillary interrupted.

“Okay, just give me a minute.” Cheryl replied before turning to face me. “Explain everything to her, tell her if that she wants to talk to me then I'll phone her later. Tell her I didn't mean to upset her and I'm sorry.”

“Okay babe, I will.” I kissed her forehead lovingly. “I'll see you soon. If you need anything, phone me.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Cheryl got up off me so that I could get up. Grabbing some clothes, I quickly went into the bathroom and got changed before leaving Cheryl to talk to Hillary as I went to talk to Nicola.

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