Goodbye Beau.

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Beau throws Kellin out the door and Copeland holds onto me. I hold onto her and run into Sam's room
"Hey sweetie, I am going to go get your daddy okay?" I say softly and she nods, I close the door and walk back to Beau
"Beau!! What was that for?!" I yell
"He was going to hurt Nick!" He yells
"He is my best friend! He was saying hi!!" I yell and open the door and grab Kellin's hand and walk into Sam's room.
"Here you go sweetie" I say softly handing her to Kellin, he hugs her.
"Are you okay?" I ask Kellin and he nods, I hold onto my stomach and walk to Beau
"Get out." I say sternly
"What?" He says
"You can't be that protective over Nick!" Yell he throws his hands up and walks outside, I walk to Nick's room and pick him up and hug him.
"You okay?.." I hear Kellin say behind me, I lay Nick down and hug Kellin
"No, Nick is going to grow up without a dad now" I cry
"You'll meet someone, Beau obviously wasn't that one." He says
"He was always so sweet then you say hi to Nick and he freaks out.." I cry, he rubs my back
"I want someone sweet and funny and won't freak out when someone says hi to my kid" I say and look at him, he nods and continues to run my back. I look over and Copeland is standing on a rocking horse and looking into Nick's crib and looking at him, I smile and wipe my eyes. I stand next to Kellin and we watch Copeland play with some toys and look at Nick

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