Chapter One

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Chapter One

I awoke to see nothing but the colour black. I was wondering if I was really awake. I rubbed my eyes but I still couldn’t see anything but darkness, so I rubbed them again which made them sore. I was sat on a cold floor, so I reached around to see if I could find anything that would give me an idea of where I was. I could feel a wall to my right. I walked around the room, using the wall as a guide, and stumbling over things. I then felt a door, I reached for the handle and twisted it but it wouldn’t open. The door was locked. I hit the door with my hand several times and then started to throw myself at it but all this did was bruise my arm. I started to feel for a light switch, which I found to the right of the door. I switched it on and then turned around to find out where I was. It was a small room with concrete walls and wooden floor and no windows. There was a small plastic table in one of the corners and a broken chair lying on the floor next to it. I had no idea where I was, so I continued to bang on the door. I then started to hear mumbling on the other side, they must have heard me because the next thing I knew they opened the door and pushed me to the ground, while telling me to be quiet. I didn't look at their faces until they started arguing with each other and then I remembered what happened.

A few days earlier...

      "Get up!" I heard. I opened my eyes and turned to check the time. Oh no, it was 8:30am and I was late for school, again. "Mum says you have to hurry up!" My sister shouted. “Hurry up or I'll get the blame, I always do.” My sister, Charlotte, pulled the covers off my bed and stomped out of my room.

      "Uh, do you mind? It's cold!"

      "Just get up!!" She screamed. I dragged myself out of my bed, got dressed and headed downstairs for a quick breakfast. After that I headed back upstairs to collect my bag and brush my teeth. I was so tired, that as I walked down the stairs I slipped off the last one and almost fell to the floor. 

My mum then opened the door and ran to the car, shouting my name along the way. "Alisha! Alisha! Hurry up! You're already late as it is!"

I walked to the car as fast as possible, which wasn't very fast. I then got in the car and buckled my seatbelt. The journey to school was very quiet, unlike usual. My mum usually turns the radio on and I usually have my older sister, Charlotte, and my younger brother, Joey, in the car too. Charlotte had just finished school and was moving onto college in a few months and Joey was staying with his dad, as we had different dads. 

      "It's too quiet, can you put the radio on or something?" I asked.

      "I'm not in the mood right now!" she snapped.

      "Ok, Ok!" I didn't know what was up with her this morning, so I just kept quiet for the rest of the journey.

We arrived at school, but as I got out of the car and shut the door, she drove straight off. No goodbye, no attempt at embarrassing me by kissing my forehead, just a speedy exit from the school grounds. Oh well, I'm sure she'll be fine later on. I headed to my classroom, which was where I found Aaron and Leila.

      "Hey you two!" I shouted.

      "Hi." Aaron shouted back over to me.

      "ALISHA!!!" Leila screamed as she ran in my direction with her arms stretched out. I knew what was coming, she wanted a hug but I knew I was probably going to get tackled to the floor. I let out a little scream and closed my eyes. I then started to realise she hadn't ran into me yet, but was stood in front of me waiting for me to open my eyes. 

      "Ok, I get it." She laughed.

I opened my eyes and hugged her. "Sorry." I stepped back from her and then walked over to the table Aaron was sitting at. A few moments later Harry arrived and sat next to Aaron. The day went on and it came to the end of school. A group of us headed out of school and went to the park.

After a few hours I decided I should go home as it was getting dark. "So guys, I'm gonna head home now." 

      "I better go too." Leila stated.

      "Same here." Harry said.

      "Ok, I'll see you lot on Monday then." I said as I started to walk away.

      "Alisha, wait a sec, I'll walk part of the way with you." Harry said to me.

Harry and I started walking home. After about 15 minutes we reached his house, he hugged me and then left. I put my earphones in a carried on walking. It was starting to get dark and I started to get the feeling I was being followed, but when I turned around no one was there. I carried on when I felt someone breathe on the back of my neck, so I stopped and slowly turned around. But yet again, no one was there. I turned back but that was when I saw a tall dark figure in front of me. I jumped backwards and was then grabbed from behind, around the waist. I went to scream but the stranger behind me put his hand around my mouth while the one in front grabbed my legs and they carried me to their car, dumping me in the back seat. One ran to the driver’s seat and got in, the other was holding me down in the back seat. I kicked him right between his legs, but it didn't seem to hurt him, only piss him off. He then grabbed me by my shirt and threw me against the window behind me. My eyes then started to close and the last thing I heard was him shout, in his fairly deep voice, "DRIVE!"

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