Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


3 Years Earlier...

I looked around the small classroom for somewhere to sit. I didn't know anyone in here as I had never gotten detention before. There were a few familiar faces but no one I was friends with. There was a group of guys towards the back of the room, resting their heads on the table. There were two girls towards the front texting under their desks, one other girl and two guys were sat eating in the corner. Closest to the door was a guy with his head in his hands, there was a space behind him and so I quietly seated myself there. The supervising teacher, Ms Crowe, was sat at the front of the room leaning back in her chair reading a book. What were we supposed to do in detention? Work? Sit silently? I sat there looking helplessly around the room to see what others were doing, but they were either asleep, texting or just staring off into space. I sat there thinking about life for a while until I realised the guy sat in front of me had turned around and was smiling at me. I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a what-are-you-looking-at look. He just smiled and turned back to face the front, a few minutes later he turned back and handed me a note. I opened it and it read:

             'You wanna get outta here?'

I nodded like I was desperate and he smiled and turned to face the front again. What was he planning? He looked down to his hands which were on his lap, it looked kind of weird but I was guessing he was on his phone. He looked back up and turned just his head to face me and had a grin on this face. About 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door.

Ms Crowe shouted, "Yesss?" as she leant forward. A boy who I'd seen before walked in. What was his name? What was it? A-Aiden? No... Um A-Aaron! That was it! Aaron Williams! He was in my English class. He was quite good looking, but not in any way my type. He had short, blonde, spiked up hair and was wearing a white shirt with black skinny jeans.

He then spoke, "Hi Miss. Um do you mind if I take these two?" He said pointing at me and the guy sat in front of me. "They're helping set up the performance that’s starts in a few hours."

          "Can't you do it without them?" She questioned.

          "I'm afraid not. Were short two people... These two. Mr Guill said he could run the detention there if that's ok with you."

          "Hmm, well tell him I need to speak to him later then."


          "Yes! Ok, Ok! Go go go! Do what you need to do!"

          "Ok thanks Miss! Come on you two!" He said. "We've got a lot to do haven't we Harry?" Harry? That was his name.

Harry chuckled and turned to me and said, "Come on then." I grabbed my stuff and quickly followed Harry and Aaron. We walked down the hallway in silence but after a few minutes those two started to talk.

          "So, hey! I'm Harry." He said facing me. "This is Aaron."

          "Hi, I'm Alisha." I said nervously.

          "Nice to meet you Al-eesha!" Aaron chuckled. "You're in my English class right? He asked.

I smiled, "Yeah I am."

          "I thought so. You're always so quiet, but that girl that sits next to you if extremely loud. I don't know how you can put up with her giggling and making a joke out of literally everything!"

          "Ahh, you get used to it." I said.

          "So anyway, how did you get Mr Guill to agree to all this?" Harry asked Aaron.

          "Well, I've been helping out a lot in Drama lately and he said he'd cover for us. He's really awesome!" Aaron replied.

          "Yeah he sounds it." I said. "Wait... What do we have to do now? Do we go to Drama? Or can we go home?" I asked.

          "Go home if you like." Aaron answered.

          "Are you sure we won’t get in trouble for this?" I asked worryingly.

          "I am sure!" He said. "Anyway, I'm gonna go home. So Harry I will see you Tomorrow night and Al-eesha I shall see you Monday in English class!"

          "Alright, bye! And thanks for today!" I said quietly.

          "I should probably go too." Harry said. "I guess I’ll see you around sometime, yeah?"

          "Yeah." I said.

          "Cool. Well, see ya around!" Harry walked off down the hallway. My eyes followed him to the end of the corridor until I couldn't see him anymore.

          “Hmm, Harry.” I whispered to myself. I smiled and headed home.


This one's kinda long I know but I thought I give you guys a bit more information on how Alisha and Harry met. Hope you're all liking it so far!

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