Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I spent hours thinking about it all, although it could have been only a few minutes, I wouldn’t know because there was no clock or windows in this room either. I heard footsteps coming towards the door. Shit! What the hell was going to happen now? I quickly stood up and stared at the door. It slowly opened and a head peered through the little gap, it was Ben.

      “I thought you might like something to eat.” He said

      “Urm, well ok.” I was a little bit peckish.

He came in and walked towards me carrying a small plate with some buttered toast and holding a glass of what looked like strawberry milkshake. Wow, it’d been a while since I’d had a milkshake. “Here, just don’t tell him.”

I took a step closer to him and reached out for the plate and glass. As soon as I got hold of them I backed into the corner and started to nibble at the toast. He looked down at me and smiled. It wasn’t creepy or anything but sort of friendly. It doesn’t change anything though; he’s still an asshole to me. He was still stood watching me for a couple of minutes before he started to speak. “You do realise he’s just looking out for his family.”

I stopped and glared at him, “Yes I understand that, but you don’t threaten and just take people that make mistakes.”

      “What would you do if it was your brother? Joey, is it?”

      “How do you k…“ I then remembered that they’d been following me for a while and must know quite a lot about my family. Wait! Would they have gone near my family? Like hurt them… Oh my god! I hadn’t thought about this until now. “You’ve not hurt them have you?” I said with a little anger in my voice.

      “Oh no, your family are perfectly fine.” Thank god. “But you didn’t answer my question, what would you do if it was your brother?”

      “Urm, I-I don’t know. But I sure wouldn’t kidnap anyone! I don’t want to think about this, it’s kinda depressing!”

Ben turned to face the door and started walking. As he reached it he didn’t turn to face me, he just said, “Imagine how he feels.” Then he left. I continued to eat and sipping my drink. When I’d finished I hid the plate and glass under an empty desk.

About 10 minutes had passed, I’m not quite sure how long it was exactly, when I heard loud footsteps coming towards the room. The door swung open and they both came in. Ben stood by the door looking a little nervous while the other stormed over to me grabbing me by my hair. He had his hand behind his back the entire time, but when he had a firm grip of my hair he pulled out a knife and held it to my throat. I could see the enjoyment he was getting from this in his eyes.

      “Stop!” I screamed. I tried kicking him but nothing seemed to hurt him. I looked over to Ben at the door who was still looking very nervous. “Please!” I shouted. I was so scared. He wanted to kill me, I could see it in his eyes.

      “And now for my revenge.” He whispered in my ear.

      “NO! Get off me!” I screamed. I looked over his shoulder over to Ben who was still stood at the door, he looked worried and I could literally see sweat dripping from his forehead. The knife was lifted from my throat and lowered to a few inches from my chest.

But before anything happened I heard Ben shout, “Brad! No!” BRAD! THAT WAS HIS NAME! Brad turned around to face Ben and smiled. He turned back to me and moved the knife up towards my arm and before I knew it I was on the floor bleeding and crying.


I hope you're all liking this! I didn't even think I would get this many reads. Thanks. Also the comments and messages I've been getting are really helping me too. Thank you!! 

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