Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


      “Grab her feet!” I heard one of them say. I struggled so much, kicking and screaming. “Oh just shut up!” He shouted.

      “Fuck you!” I shouted back.

      “Shut it bitch!” He said, while the other stayed silent.

      “Fucking let go of me you assholes!” I screamed.

     “She’s getting on my fucking nerves now! Ben, do me a favour and knock her out again!” The brown haired one commanded. Ben? So that’s one of their names. It doesn’t really ring any bells, I mean I know quite a few Bens but none that had blonde hair and well, looked like that.

      “What? No way!” Ben replied.

      “Fine! I’ll do it!” The other one said.

     “No! We don’t want what happened last time to happen do we?” Ben objected.

      “Fair point! But just shut her up will you!” He ordered.

Ben was holding my legs and so it was easy for him to look me in the eyes. “You better shut up if you want to live! And I mean it!” He warned. I went silent, after all I didn’t want to die. I may have a chance of getting away… Maybe… If I’m really lucky. I still struggled but couldn’t get out of their grip.

We got back to the tiny room, where they dropped me on the floor hurting my back. “Ouch!” I shrieked.

      “Oh shut up!” The other one shouted and then he left the room.

Ben was walking towards the door when I shouted over to him, “You won’t get away with this!” Although in my head I was terrified because I knew they would.

Ben stopped and turned around, he came closer to me and knelt down to my level. He pressed his finger on my lips, “Shhh.” He got up smiled at me and left the room, locking the door after him. What on earth just happened? I pushed myself back to the wall and sat there looking around and thinking.

A couple of hours had passed, I didn’t know how many exactly, because there was no windows and no clock, but it seemed like a long time I was sat there. That’s when I heard the door unlock. I got up on to my feet and backed into the corner as the door slowly opened. It was Ben. He walked in carrying a plate with bit of bread and apple on and also carrying a glass of water. “Shh, don’t tell him. He won’t be happy.” Ben whispered.

What? Why was he all of a sudden being nice? “Why? Why are you being nice all of a sudden?” I asked.

      “I can be nice.” He placed the plate and cup on the table and stood a few steps in front of me.

      “Yeah… That’s why you kidnapped me…”

He just chuckled. “You don’t know who he is, do you?” He asked.

What was that supposed to mean, of course I didn’t. “No.”

      “Well, you’ll find out.” He said as he left the room and shutting the door. I ran over to the table, and shoved the bread into my mouth. It had been quite a while since I had eaten. I then ate the apple leaving the apple core on the plate. I took a few sips of the water and put the cup and plate under the table in case the other guy came in. I went over to the corner and leant up against the wall with my head on my knees.


Hope you guys liked it! :)

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