1|Some Kind of Ceremony

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1|Some Kind of Ceremony

I adjusted the Golden cap resting on my Afro and examined it in the mirror one last time. I needed to be quick if I was going to catch the bus to the ceremony and get there on time. "You look good." I whispered to myself, flashing a smile in the foggy mirror.

I wasn't even planning on going to this thing. Initially I was going to pack my bags and catch an early flight to Seattle and wait for my diploma in the mail but something made me want this. I blame society but who the hell am I to philosophize?

The worn down wooden floorboards of the apartment creaked under my weight as I came to a stop in the living room. "I'm going now s..yeah." I forced a cough and waited for two painful seconds.

My father barely looked away from the Tv screen. He took a slow drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke in my direction. "Bring me back another pack." He said tossing his empty cigarette cart at my feet.

Of course he didn't remember what today was. He could barely spare a glance long enough to notice me dressed in my cap and gown. I balled my fists, letting my nails dig into my palms. My chest rose and fell slowly after a long, deep breath. I had to keep it in, disrespecting my dad wouldn't change anything.

I picked up my bag and started for the door. The grey Florida sky paired with the sticky air made the white gown hug my body. It had just rained so there were puddles everywhere and thunder still booked throughout the sky, I was sure to watch my step. The bus stop was a few blocks away, I'd make it there if I moved quick enough.

I moved quickly but carefully with each step, hustling through the slippery streets. The familiar faint rumbling of a Jeep caught my attention. Something made me stop in my tracks and turn to the road, coming face to face with no one other than Daniel Baker.

"Evans? Get in, we're gonna be late!" Daniel called over an Earth-trembling boom in the sky. My breath hitched in my throat as his brown eyes fixed themselves in mine. I quickly looked away and climbed into his Jeep.

As Daniel sped off down the wet roads I clutched the handle on the door. He glanced over at me and rolled his eyes before focusing on the road again. "Am I driving too fast for you or something?" He asked defensively.

I gulped, feeling as though I'd swallowed a cup full of sand. "N..no! No, of course not. Thank you for the ride, Daniel. Are Liam and your parents meeting you at the fairgrounds?" I asked him, praising god for skin so dark it hid my blush.

Being around Daniel was physically painful sometimes. Growing up, his brother and I have always been joined at the hip, we were literally each other's only friends until junior year. Daniel was always there in the background teasing us and stirring up trouble.

I used to hate his guts with Liam until he left for military school for two years and came back stacked like Thor! That's when I started to develop this horrible crush on him. That's when mom died too so maybe that was my escape? Who knows. What I do know is that I still can't be alone with Daniel because I never know what to say.

"My parents are in Mumbai on a fourth honeymoon. They've been gone since Tuesday. Didn't Liam tell you before he went to Cabo with Bea?" Daniel asked.

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