13|Some Kind of Crash

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13|Some Kind of Crash

My heart kicked into overdrive as I rushed through the doors of the ER, my eyes scanning left to right frantically. I turned a corner and saw Ethan standing in the cluttered hall with his hands on his head, a nurse narrowly missing him with s gurney. "Ethan! Ethan what's going on? Where's Janelle? Is Daniel okay?" I interrogated as I approached.

"Oh thank god you came. We crashed and a piece of the windshield cut her forehead and she refuses to have a scar on her face but she's—"

"Ethan is Daniel okay?" I demanded, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him. He looked pale and disoriented. I could swear his eyes swirled for a moment when they met mine.

My brows furrowed and I guided him to a chair. "Babe?" I turned around and saw Daniel standing there in his jean jacket. His forehead was smeared with blood but he looked completely fine.

I got up and broke into a sprint for him. Daniel opened his arms wide and wrapped them around me as I slammed into him. Our lips molded together just as our bodies did, my hands sinking into his hair as his arms held me against him. We broke the kiss and pulled apart, our eyes brimming with tears. "You're here." He said as if he expected me to anywhere but here for him right now.

"Of course I'm here I thought I..." I couldn't finish my sentence because a wave of despair hit me like a freight train. I broke into tears in his arms and buried my face in the crook of his neck. Daniel said nothing he just took a deep breath and clung to me as if he understood everything I felt.

I could've lost him before we got the chance to really be something. All because I was stupid enough to tell him to go to a carnival when he wanted to come home. This was my fault. I began to cry harder against him, so much that he started to rub gentle patterns in my back. "It's okay, Ollie, I'm okay." He whispered over and over until I calmed down.

I stepped back but he didn't let me go. Instead I moved beside him and wrapped one arm around him as well and leaned my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my fro and guided us towards Ethan. "Hey bro, she's good. The doctors stitched her up and promised the scar would go away eventually." Daniel told him.

Ethan stood. "I want to see her." He said with glossy eyes. I knew what he was feeling all too well, not being able to look the person I was worried about the most in the eye. Not being able to see them and know they're okay, confirming with your own eyes that your world hasn't crumbled.

"She's out like a light, man. Do you wanna catch a lift back to campus with us?" Daniel asked.

Ethan began shaking his head profusely. "Nah I want to be here when she wakes up.. rest up, Baker. Oliver sorry if I scared you." He said in a soft tone.

If I had any doubts about his feelings for Janelle before they were gone now. I smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Thank you for calling me. I'm sure Janelle will be happy when she wakes up and sees you. Goodnight Ethan." I said as we turned and began for the door.

"Night guys." He called after us.

When we got back to our dorm Daniel went off for a shower while I cleared the mess off my bed. As I collected my notes and the source of all my stress into my hands I thought of losing Daniel again and it made me sad. I dropped all of that stuff on my desk and turned around, looking at the cracked bathroom door.

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