2|Some Kind of Summer Party

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2|Some Kind of Summer Party

Underaged drinking, semi-violent sex scene.

Summer flashed by before my eyes as I adjusted to my new life on campus. To be honest no matter how excited I was to go, I had always been afraid of not liking my experience. I didn't want to think I'd be let down once again. It's a good thing I didn't allow that negative thought to weigh me down.

My student advisor, Janelle Ortez, turned out to be heaven sent. She put me up on a few campus secrets, gave me freshman tips and since she's a social butterfly I've met more people than ever before. She even helped me get a job working at an ice cream shop.

I stood in my mirror picking out my afro whilst working leave-in conditioner into my hair. I was already dressed in my work uniform but I had an hour before I had to clock in. "Do you think he'll be hot?" Janelle asked from speaker phone.

"I can't think about that right now. Whatever he is, it has to stay strictly platonic. I can't live in another space occupied with bad energy." I responded.

Janelle sighed. In the two months that I'd known her Janelle had proven to be the queen of flirtation. She could have any guy or girl wrapped around her finger within seconds. She swore I needed to get out more and start seeing guys but no one interests me.

"You're still coming to the end of summer party at the Alpha house right?" She asked.

I sighed. I hated parties, being in thick crowds and confined spaces made me nervous. Both of them together would surely drain my social battery and kick my anxiety into high gear. "I think I'm gonna stay in tonight and work on my last online math module."

I took classes throughout the summer so that I wouldn't have to take a math class freshman year. "Oh hells no. I am not letting you miss out on the last party of the summer. You're coming and you're inviting your roommate too!" She commanded into the Phone.

I rolled my eyes, a playful smile on my lips. "Alright fine." Janelle cheered as three hard knocks hit my room door. "I think he's here, gotta go." I said before clicking my screen on.

"If he's hot give him my number!" She squealed before I ended the call. I rushed from the bathroom to the front door. I was nervous about meeting my roommate because I still hadn't figured out how to tell them about the nightmares. After straightening out my uniform I opened the door and when I saw the person standing behind it my eyes popped out of my head.

"Daniel!" I cawed as my mouth went dry. My jaw slammed against the floor. What is he doing here? When did he enroll?

 What is he doing here? When did he enroll?

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