5|Some Kind of Game

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5|Some Kind of Game


Grey's Anatomy spoiler (lol)

The next three weeks flew by as the school year kicked into full swing. I would've been enjoying life in my new environment but there was one thing weighing me down. That thing wore 176 pounds and went by the name of Daniel.

He kissed me. He literally kissed me. He took his lips and put them on top of mine and said we'd talk about it but we never did. Daniel kissed me and made me feel safe around him and then he left me. He didn't leave on technical terms but he left in every other sense of the word.

He stopped being the Daniel that talked to me for hours as rain showered down on us. He stopped being the Daniel that helped me home when I was blackout drunk. He stopped being the Daniel that stayed up with me all night to help me write a half-assed eulogy then held me through the night. In short, he stopped being the person I didn't even know I needed him to be until now.

I'd be lying if I didn't say it didn't hurt. Watching him keep me at arms length while he was so open and friendly with everyone else. But I didn't realize how much it weighed on me until Janelle showed up. She used the key she had made to open my dorm room and sighed once she saw me laying in bed.

"Have you moved since yesterday?" She asked setting her dry cleaning down on my desk. I noticed her long brown hair was curled perfectly, her nails finely manicured and her makeup was perfect too. She wore a designer dress and shoes that probably costed half my tuition. Sometimes I forgot that Janelle's family was loaded until she showed me.

"I got up to pee 6 hours ago." I responded to which she sighed again. Whenever I didn't have classes I settled for moping in bed, watching Grey's Anatomy.

Janelle's heels sloshed through the sea of dirty clothes on the floor as she walked over to my side of the room. A look of disgust donned her face since she stepped inside. "Okay, look, I love you and all but you need to get up. This is not healthy. For literally anybody in the building, have you people heard of washing machines?" She grimaced.

I groaned and rolled over in bed. "It's Daniel. He only comes to shower and leaves." I said with a frown. My eyes travelled past Janelle to his side of the room. I couldn't even see his bed anymore because of all the clothes stacked on top. While I may be an emotional mess, my side of the room remained...tangible.

"These are all his clothes? Dude has more clothes than I do and I have three closets..one on another continent." Janelle exclaimed with wide eyes. I groaned for the millionth time today and turned back to the tv screen, watching the shooter put two bullets in Derek Shepard's chest. My eyes stung but there were no tears, my heart ached but it wasn't broken.

"Oh hell no Oliver you were on season 10 yesterday. Did you start from the beginning again?" Janelle crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head with disappointment.

"Maybe I did! So what? That's what the CDs are for." I responded, scratching my scalp. I knew I'd been in bed for a while because my Afro was matted and my back felt numb.

She continued to shake her head. "Okay do you know what's been going on around campus lately?" I shook my head no.

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