4|Some Kind of Sentiment

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4|Some Kind of Sentiment

Franklyn Oliver Evans died at the age of 42 from a major heart attack on the last day of August. He didn't leave anything behind, not that I wanted anything from him anyway. When Liam called me last week both Daniel and Janelle dropped everything to follow me back home.

It felt odd having two people standing by my side asking me if I was okay every three seconds for the last three days. I haven't cried yet and I don't think I will. My dad and I never had a close relationship, even when mom was alive. So how could I be expected to write his eulogy?

I chuckled as I rested on top of the cheap motel sheets covered with drafts of a eulogy. I couldn't think straight, mainly because I didn't know what to say. This had to be a cosmic joke, if god was real then he had a sick sense of humor. I had notebooks filled with pages detailing every reason I hated my father and my life. I had an entire manuscript written on all the reasons to hate him and in the morning I'd be listing reasons of why he was loved.

I chuckled again and tossed my pen to the edge of my bed as my phone buzzed. Daniel was calling as he had every night since we got back so I wasn't surprised when Siri announced "The Better Baker is calling."

I answered without hesitation. "Do I have to put you on the block-list Daniel?" I asked, a playful smile tugging on my lips.

"Whatever, Evans. You know you love it when I check on you." He responded. My smile grew ten times wider and I bit my lip. I realized I was smiling to myself like an idiot when he spoke again. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just trying to write a eulogy for the man I definitely didn't write hateful poems about for the better half of my life." I yawned.

"That was pretty dark, Evans." Daniel said. I frowned and adjusted my position on the bed, staring at the phone as if it had a response.

"Sorry, I-" I had no idea what to say, my mind was jumbled. I hadn't slept a full 8 hours since Liam called me. Thanks a lot, Dad.

"I get it, Ollie. You sound pretty tired though, have you been sleeping?" I must've really been beat if he could hear it, or maybe he was a mind reader.

"Nope and I'm not getting any sleep tonight either because I have a eulogy to write. I can't get past the first sentence without laughing my ass off because it sounds so superficial."

"Sounds like you need some company and lucky for you I'm an expert in last minute assignments. I'll be at your place in a few." He said and I believed him because of the rustling in the background.

My eyes widened. I told Daniel and Janelle I was staying in my old house but I was holed up in a motel room in reality. The bank foreclosed on the house and I counted that as a blessing. I never wanted to step foot in that place again.

"Actually I'm in room 7 at The Sentiment." I confessed. I could hear him gasp.

"What why?" He asked.

"Can we talk about it when you get here?" I asked him looking down at the phone as if I were looking into his eyes.

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