3|Some Kind of Talk

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3|Some Kind of Talk

My head was pounding with an impossible persistence. Suddenly my stomach began broiling my insides causing my limbs to ached as the pain radiated. I groaned and the bile crawled up my throat, searing my flesh as it did so. I sprung out of bed and sprinted into the bathroom.

I lifted up the toilet and hurled the fireball out of my stomach, even hearing a sizzle as it hit the water. My body shook and I groaned, resting against the counter. I hadn't noticed the foggy bathroom and rushing shower head until then.

Daniel peaked from behind the curtain, his brown hair sticking to his chiseled jaw. "Evans? Good you're awake. I'll be out in a sec, we need to talk." He said.

I nodded and flushed the toilet then moved to brush my teeth. I waited on my bed for him to finish bathing, trying to get my heartbeat to return to normal. The places my mind went when I thought about what was behind that shower curtain were most uncomfortable.

I realized I hadn't put my phone on the charger last night when I noticed my charger dangling freely. I started searching for my phone when something even bigger hit me. I don't remember a single thing about last night.

Of course I remembered the basics of yesterday but I don't remember half of the party or how I got home and changed out of my clothes. "What the hell happened?" I asked when I found my phone atop my pile of clothes.

"Completely dead of course." I hissed before docking it to the charger. The bathroom door opened and Daniel stepped out with a towel dangling loosely on his hips. My mouth dropped open and a struggled gasp escaped. He walked in proud strides across the room to his dresser.

I watched water droplets travel down his smoothly carved pecs of perfection to the hem of the white towel and on to better places

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I watched water droplets travel down his smoothly carved pecs of perfection to the hem of the white towel and on to better places... "Just grabbing a shirt. You know, since you stole mine yesterday." He said with a coy grin.

I almost smiled. "What happened last night? I don't remember anything? Do you remember how I got back?" I interrogated.

His grin fell and he closed his drawer. Daniel turned to me full frontal and studied my face before cocking his head to the side. No pun intended. "You don't remember anything? Anything at all" He asked.

"Oh god did I do something? Please don't tell me I made a fool of myself." I couldn't ruin my reputation already. Brickingham is my second start and I'll be damned if one party takes me down!

Daniel began shaking his head. "No, nothing like that. You got wasted and fell out of Jonah Baxter's bed. You passed out and I took you home. Then you threw up all over my jacket and my v-neck and slept like a rock."

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