18|Some Kind of Beautiful

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18|Some Kind of Beautiful

4 months have passed since I almost died and I have to say, near-death experiences are not as life-changing as TV has made them out to be. As it turns out nobody cares if some college kid overdoses, especially since Brickingham students seem to overdose by the dozen every weekend. I'm willing to bet I wouldn't have known about the school's problem if I wasn't drugged by that asshole Jonah who faced zero consequences.

Daniel wanted to kick his ass but all that would do is cause more drama. But while I'm on the topic of Daniel, I just want to say I'm worried about him. These past 4 months have been... strange. Without football and his friends from the team we've had so much more time together.

At first it was great but now things aren't so great. I love Daniel, I really do, but he's changing. He's more erratic and spontaneous than ever. Sometimes it's like he's not even thinking but other times it seems like the weight of the world is on his shoulders.

I don't know what to do or how to help him. I don't even know how to help myself. Ever since professor Grimmely dropped out of being my mentor my writing took a heavy blow. She basically told me my writing went from a place of truth to a sappy, uninspired puff piece and that no publication in their right mind would accept it. Or take me seriously if they did accept it.

Maybe we're both just coping in the healthiest way we know how. I...

"Please tell me that's not a diary." I looked up from my spot in the courtyard to see Clara and Aiden standing over me.

When my eyes met Aiden's my stomach bubbled over with embarrassment. I slammed my book shut at the speed of light and slid it into my bag. "Some call it a diary, some call it a journal, I call it free college therapy." I said turning back to Clara.

She snorted and plopped down at the table across from me, Aiden sitting beside her. I watched them both, expecting one of them to spill the beans on why they're here. When neither of them spoke I decided to fill the void. "Can I help you?"

"You know what? You can. See, the Annual Brickingham Modern Arts fest is next week. I built a set and posed with it so Aiden could take these bossy ass pictures with his camera and it came out greater than great." Said Clara as she motioned for Aiden to show me the pictures.

Aiden pulled his camera from the bag and leaned across the table. I reached out and our hands met halfway, brushing together against the camera. Our eyes met and he turned away. I smiled and turned back to the photos, allowing myself to get lost in the negatives.

Clara laid on top of what looked to be the Earth, plants and oceans formed underneath her. Her body was covered by a thin sheet, it's porcelain color just a tinge lighter than her skin. It was the first time I'd ever seen Clara look so.. so vulnerable.

"These are amazing, guys. Clara you're the perfect muse and Aiden..." I looked up at him just to catch his eye. "You're an excellent photographer. This is... wow."

His smile touched his eyes. "R-really? You think so?" Aiden's eyes were big, as if it was the first compliment he heard.

"I know so, Aiden. These are great. So that means you guys are all ready to submit to the.."

"...The Brickingham Modern Arts Fest doesn't accept submissions unless there's a written component to them. Aiden can barely read the settings on his camera without sounding them out and I can't write for shit. That's where you come in; you're a literary God right?"

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