9|Some Kind of Feeling

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9|Some Kind of Feeling


The day after our date Daniel and I were on a flight back to Florida for his father's engagement party. We packed light and I knew that because my bag had more snacks in it than clothes. We spent most of the night in Bainbridge and didn't get any sleep because Daniel was restless. He was nervous and I knew it so when he rested his head against my shoulder on the plane I already knew he'd be out like a light soon.

When we landed in Florida Daniel's mom, Daniella, picked us up. He put our bags in the trunk while I sat in the car with her. Daniella used to have flawless, skin and silky hair but divorce must've changed all of that. She looked tired but not torn apart and it was strange to see that in her. Am I that screwed up? So screwed that I can see everybody's darkness from a mile away.

"...it's so nice to have my baby back in town and I know Liam is going to lose his mind when he sees you Oliver. Ever since you went off to school early he's been running around town to fill the void!" I didn't even know Daniella was rambling until she had finished.

I smiled at her words to stop myself from scoffing. My nails dig into my palms. "I'm glad to be back. Thank you for letting me stay with you guys." I said. I've known her my entire life yet now that Daniel and I are together I feel nervous around her. While looking down I noticed a small duffle back tucked under the driver's seat. Knowing Daniella it was probably an emergency makeup kit.

"Oh stop it Oliver, you're family. Who would've thought you and Daniel would end up at the same college and Liam would be the one left behind?" She chuckled while shaking her head.

I looked up at her as she giggled to herself. "I don't understand what you mean by that." I responded, watching her with an unsure smile.

"I just mean Liam is such a brilliant boy who can afford a school like Brickingham. Daniel is good at holding a ball in his hands and posing for pictures but academia has never been his strong suit. Then you: the poor African American who never really excelled in school. But I've always been a firm believer affirmative action." Danielle explained with nothing but a shrug of her shoulders.

All traces of my smile vanished just as Daniel plopped down in the front seat. I looked down at my hands, conflicted. I want to explain that my gpa has always been 3 points higher than Liam's and I racked up 300k in scholarships which I didn't even need because once I passed the test for early admissions Brickingham gave me a full ride. I wanted to tell her that I earned everything, that nothing was given to me, but I didn't say a thing.

This weekend is about helping Daniel mend his relationship with his family. I know for a fact if I were to respond to Daniella my tone would be anything but nice. The last thing I wanted to do was add on to the drama going on here. "Ready?" Daniel asked me as he leaned over the seat.

"Yeah." I gave him a quick nod and ducked my head low. My ears hadn't popped yet and the flight gave me a headache. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the window, dozing off without even noticing.

When I woke up we were pulling into the Baker family home. The house is even bigger than I remember and painted a hot pink. The paint job didn't look professional in the slightest. I could tell by the look on Daniel's face he was shocked. "Mom when did you paint the house?" He asked.

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