12|Some Kind of Tragedy

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12|Some Kind of Tragedy

The next week consisted of cramming for tests, Daniel and I continuing to get to know each other and trying to dodge Liam who made it his mission to be a cockblock. We managed to sneak Sid onto campus and make a comfortable home for him in our dorm. He was in a day class while Janelle and I were working shifts at The Scoop. She managed to get her job back since Saul was in a more forgiving mood after his father's passing.

He wasn't in today so we were running the house. "...I still can't believe you did that! You're so powerful, ugh, what an iconic moment." Janelle said to me as she handed a little girl an ice cream cone. "There you go sweetheart. Make sure you come again pretty girl." She cooed as the girl and her mother paid.

When they left the restaurant she rolled her eyes. "Is it me or did that kid look like ET? Anyway what's next for you and Big Daddy Daniel?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up with the mention of that stupid name. "Stop calling him that. Well aside from blowjobs, handjobs and making out for hours at a time I don't think we're gonna have sex any time soon. Liam is being such a little cockblock right now." I hissed making myself a cup of Cheesecake ice cream.

Most of my nerves weren't even directed towards Liam. They were directed towards PrEP, the holy grail of gay sex. Daniel and I had a long talk the moment we got back to Seattle and we both decided to go to the hospital together. I mean it when I say we both learned more about how to be safer when it comes to sex.

They started us on Truvada and told us to wait at least a week and half before having sex for maximum protection. It was hard keeping our hands off of each other but this weekend we'd be golden and I knew both of us were on the same page about what was going down.

She pouted with empathy. "Well at least I'm making moves with my investigation. I got Aiden's email but he never emailed me the dirt so that was a waste but I may have emailed the dean about some suspicious-looking kegs being delivered to the alpha house in preparation for the party." She said with a devious smile.

I shot her a smile to hide my wariness. "I'm happy for you. But I just wish there was some place Daniel and I could go to be completely alone you know? I was gonna tag along with him to the away game this weekend but I have a shit ton of notes to do for Grimmley and Sid needs me so I'm gonna text him and tell him I can't go." I rambled as I pulled out my phone and shot him a text. I saw the chat bubbles pop up and vanish faster than they appeared.

I shrugged and looked up and Janelle, the both of us glared at one another, knowing one of these topics would have to give. That's what I believed before a smile began to grow on her face, one I knew would come with consequences.

"I just thought of the most fabulous idea! Since you're not going to the away game you should help me and the girls do some snooping around the alpha house. Then we'll make a last minute trip to Holbrook in time to cheer and you can do your notes." Janelle spoke so fast her mouth moved like lightening.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Are you stupid? A black man breaking into the house of a bunch of wealthy white guys on a Saturday night? How in the hell does that sound like a good idea?" I asked. "Besides, I have to fix this as soon as possible if I want her to keep editing my story before this contest."

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