11|Some Kind of Script Flip

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11|Some Kind of Script Flip


Strong language. SMUT Some dirty language but I guess that goes without saying aye.

A dip in the bed stirred me awake in the middle of the night. For a split second I thought I was back in that twin bed. Startled, I sat up with a yawn and cleared my eyes. The room was dark but the moon shimmered off Daniel's naked torso as he slid under the covers and whispered apologies for waking me.

"What time is it?" I asked, feeling my limbs hang to my side with a heaviness. When I finished with Mrs. Baker it was barely getting dark out. I guess a day of biting your tongue can really tire a guy out.

"2." He responded before leaning over and kissing my shoulder. I smiled in the dark and laid back. "Sorry I didn't text you back, my phone fell into the water at the beach. I think Liam hit me with that football on purpose." Daniel added.

"It's okay, your mom kept me company. Did you know she adopted a kitten? I named him Sid, he's sleeping on your bean bag." I whispered in a hoarse voice.

Daniel chuckled. "The most shocking thing about what you just said is the fact that you're a cat person." He said.

"We're all cat people deep down. Do you think I can sneak him on the plane?" I asked half-joking. I do want to keep Sid, though, he shouldn't have to suffer because of a divorce he knew nothing about.

"Oh they better let our boy on that plane. What'd you name him again, Sid?" Daniel said.

I began to beam from ear to ear. Something about the word our made my heart flutter like never before. "Our boy?" I asked him, biting my lip.

"Damn straight, Evans." He responded before yawning. "You're okay though, right?" Daniel asked me once he settled.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I responded absentmindedly.

"I don't know earlier you seemed kinda off before you left the restaurant and your texts were more precise than usual, normally when we're texting you send like a million texts in 30 seconds but today it was barely anything. So I wanted to ask you if you were okay in person." My boyfriend explained.

I laughed, feeling an odd sense of security wash over me. "You really get me don't you, Baker?" I asked leaning over my shoulder. Though it was dark somehow our eyes still found each other.

"I do. But there are a few more things I need to learn." He said putting his hand on my hip as I propped myself on my side to get a better look at him. I was in a new pear of briefs, courtesy of a drunken Daniella, that were much thinner than my boxers.

My heart picked up when a single finger traced circles on my backside, the rest of his hand a warm anchor on my hip. "Oh yeah? Like what?" I asked Daniel, trying to hide the shudder. I placed my hand on his torso and traced over the lines in his physique.

A dark chuckle escaped him. "Well let's see. I already know how to make you smile, I can make you laugh, cheer me on and mad when I'm being an idiot. Oh can't forget your cravings either." He said. The way his voice rumbled as he checked his list had me hanging on every word. I think Daniel knew what I was craving more than anything that moment: his touch. So he removed his hand and started to tap his chin with exaggeration.

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