15|Some Kind of Withdrawal

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15|Some Kind of Withdrawal


Overdose, Drugging, etc.

"Is he dead?" I heard Dana whisper.

"Maybe." Hanna responded.

I heard a scoff. "Of course he's not dead. He's sleeping... yeah just sleeping." Janelle said. I wasn't sure if she was trying to convince the girls or herself.

"How long has he been asleep?" I didn't recognize that voice. I tried to open my eyes but my body felt heavy as hell.

"A day." Janelle said.

A day? I've been sleep all day? What the hell happened last night? "He's been sleeping all day? Did you guys do any drugs? What's he on?" The man's voice was rough and persistent. He was so close to me that my head felt like a ton of weights were resting on top of it.

"No! Jesus, Flynn he's not like that! I just thought he was sad about Daniel and he needed a drink so I gave him a flask but that's it. He's drank way more than that before, seriously..." Janelle's panicked voice began to distort in my ears as the man known as Flynn's fingers pressed to my neck.

"His pulse is slow and he's barely breathing, Janelle. I already asked you once I'm not going to ask you again what is he on? No me mientas!" I heard him gripe in my ear.

"I'm telling you the truth! Oh my god is he going to be okay?" Janelle took my hand and I felt the contrast of warmth. Either her hands were the temperature of a furnace or my hand was frozen...

The next time I was able to hear or understand anything was when the annoying persistent beep of a heart monitor woke me. Though the room was dim everything felt bright and blurry before my eyes focused on a very sexy guy leaning in front of me.

I tried to speak but my throat felt constricted and burned. I reached for my face but the IV in my wrists yanked forward which caused me to choke out a moan. The man caught my hand and eased it back down, using his other hand to press down on my chest.

"Oliver I'm gonna need you to be really still for me bud, can you do that? I know this is scary but you're safe and in the hospital and you're intubated to help you breathe. I'm Flynn, Janelle's older brother. You understand?"

I tried to nod but even that made my entire body ache. Instead I blinked, it took no time for him to catch on. "You're here because you overdosed yesterday, the doctors traces of GHB and alcohol in your system. Oliver do you have a history of drug use?"

What? No! I shook my head rigorously so that he understood how wrong he was, even though it was excruciating. Flynn nodded, his eyes softening before he peeked over his shoulder towards the door.

"Okay then do you remember anything from before blacking out?" Flynn asked.

I blinked for no. At first I thought he was trying to make me out to be something I wasn't. When the cops got to the hospital, though, I realized Flynn was helping me get my story straight. The doctors removed the intubation tube and got me some water. I spoke to the cops with Flynn's help and before I knew it I was being discharged against medical advisement.

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