16|Some Kind of Muse

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16|Some Kind of Muse


SMUT. Adult language. Death. Suicidal thoughts.

I don't know what day it is. All I know is waking up in Daniel's arms makes me feel like I can take on the world. His strong arms kept me secure against him, leaving no space between us. I could even feel his morning boner but I wasn't going to complain about it. This is how I want every day to be for the rest of my life.

The truth is I'm scared of what will happen when he lets me out of his embrace. Because the moment I can't feel his touch anymore will be the moment it all comes crashing down on me. Reality can be such a bitch, much more brutal than any fiction could compare to.

The reality is: Daniel still hasn't told me about his health.

The reality is: I've been going through withdrawal for days and I feel horrible.

The reality is: I filed a formal complaint and nothing is going to happen.

There's no justice for me so long as there weren't any witnesses nor evidence. All this ordeal did was make me look bad and no one else. I could handle all of that weight, I've carried heavier baggage before. But what I can't do is go on like this for much longer.

Every time I think about overdosing I think... I think I'd be better off dead.

Daniel's arm loosened around me and he turned flat on his back. I thought about letting him rest for a moment but instead I climbed on top of him, cradling to him like a big baby. Though his eyes were still closed a smile spread across his face. He wrapped his arms around my body again, cupping his hands on my ass. Cheeky bastard.

"Good morning babe." He said. I ignored him and nuzzled my face into his chest, closing my eyes tight. I want to lay here forever. Daniel's chest vibrated as a chuckle escaped him though nothing distracted me from his calming heartbeat.

"Babe I have a class in like 10 minutes and the way you're laying on me is kinda... dangerous." He gulped.

I lifted my head to give him a funny look. The simplest things turned Daniel on and figuring out just how far I could push him was better than revenge. Though sometimes I wish I knew what could push him over the edge, what would make him just.. I need to stop.

The more I think about turning Daniel on the more I turn myself on. It didn't take his raised brow for me to know he feels my boner on his stomach. "Daniel I almost died a few days ago, I like to live dangerously if you couldn't tell already." I retorted, pressing a soft kiss on his chest.

"Really?" He asked with a cocky grin. I felt his hands slip below my boxer lining and grab a of my ass. He gave it a slight shake and I felt his throb under me as a result.

"Yes, really." I confirmed, trailing kisses down his abs. I moved below the covers and swirled my tongue against his v-line before pulling down his briefs.

Daniel pulled the covers back, allowing the morning sun to shine on his marvelous cock. I took it in my hand and smiled at him, catching a smile back. "I want you to look me in my eye while you suck it." He told me in a voice so raspy it made me shudder.

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