14|Some Kind of DNR

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14|Some Kind of DNR

"I swear you have an existential crisis about Daniel every frickin' week. Boy don't you have a book to write?" Dana asked me as I stepped into their dorm. I rolled my eyes and walked past her, plopping down on the off-white couch beside my best friend.

I hit Janelle upside the head with a throw pillow. She grabbed her head and glared at me. "I thought I told you not to tell them about this. Janelle I can't have this getting back to him, this is serious." I scolded her.

"Ow! I'm sorry but you know I can't keep things from them, they're my number one bitches." Janelle explained. She grabbed the pillow and hit me back. "And don't hit my head, you know I'm healing from a major car crash. My dad won't even buy me another Benz, he's sending a Lexus instead. A Lexus, Oliver!" She exclaimed, waving her hands around.

I rolled my eyes. "We can only focus on one existential crisis at a time, Janelle. This is a big deal, we need to talk about this!" I insisted, leaning over on the couch.

"Okay bitches I am clearly trying to watch Chicago Med but since you're in crisis I guess I can help. We're learning new communication skills at my Lactose Intolerance Support Group." Hanna perked up on the other side of the couch.

Why is this my life? "Okay no! We are not talking about Daniel and Oliver's annoyingly cute relationship for once. Just like we're not talking about the fact that I broke up with Ethan for good this time. The whole point of you guys being here is so that we can plan our week of luxury at the lake house. This is important to me bitches so buckle up." Janelle snapped as she adjusted herself on the couch.

Dana groaned and plopped down on the chair near the hallway. The 3 of us listened to Janelle drone on about our plans at the lake house for hours. The entire time she talked all I could think about was Daniel and this mysterious illness.

I mean it's the only thing that would make sense! Daniel's mom mentioned his temper and Liam mentioned a DNR, he even called me a symptom. If there's something going on with Daniel and our relationship is nothing more than a symptom of that I'd be devastated. He makes me so happy and if I lose him or if I find out none of this was ever real then... I don't know what I'd do.

My phone buzzed with an incoming text from Daniel.

Daniel: Hey wanna catch a movie later?

Me: Can't. Planning trip w Janelle & meeting w student paper. See u l8r.

Daniel: Okay, ❤️ u.

I locked my phone and slid it into my pocket with a sigh. "Damnit Oliver are you paying attention? Because I cannot have another skinny dipping incident in the lake okay? Because the last guy that tried skinny dipping got ball cancer and my dad can't have any more bad press right now." Janelle snapped.

"Sorry I was responding to Daniel. He was asking if I wanted to watch a movie but I just can't face him right n—."

"Zip! Zip! Zip!" She grabbed my lips with her soft fingers. I pushed her hand away and I groaned, throwing my head back on the chair and landing in Hanna's lap.

"Careful, the last guy that out his face down there lost a tooth." Hanna said with a wink. A shiver of disgust ran up my spine and I jumped out of her lap.

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