6|Some Kind of Sacrifice

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6|Some Kind of Sacrifice


Drug/alcohol use. Strong language.

We walked into Janelle's dorm while her roommates were in the middle of an argument. "..It's not a joke, Dana, I could've died. Like I seriously can't believe you would even do that to me." The roommate I knew as Hanna said to Dana.

Hanna and Dana were just as loaded as Janelle but they lacked the brains. This argument seemed to be heated past anything I'd witnessed before. "Oh Hanna get over it. The possibility of you dying was like 1 in a million." Dana said as she worked some nair into her pits.

I grimaced while Janelle read her mail on the counter like nothing was happening. "You let that slut behind the counter put milk in my latte! You know I'm lactose intolerant you traitorous bitch. What if I'm gassy at the party tonight?" Hanna held the flat iron on her hair for a hot minute, unsure if she could pull through tonight.

"Hanna shut up and fix your hair. How are you gonna steal Daniel from that hot pocket Olivia when your bangs look like they're getting divorced?" Dana retorted.

The girls shut the bathroom door and muffled their conversation. Daniel's still seeing Olivia? I bit my lip to stop myself from frowning and turned to Janelle. Her brows were woven deep as she read what came in the mail. "Everything okay?" I asked her.

She looked up as if she forgot I was there. "Y-yeah. I need to get ready, tonight is going to be the party of the century." Janelle linked our arms and guided me into her bedroom.

By the time we arrived at the party it was in full swing. This time Ethan was already drunk when he greeted us at the door. "Nellie!" He cheered before yanking Janelle close by her hips. They started making out while Dana and Hanna flirted with Chris.

I scanned the crowds, deciding which route was the best to go and ease myself into the party. My feet started me in the direction of the kitchen before I could bare witness to Liam and Janelle dry humping on the wall. The moment I stepped in the kitchen I ran into Noah mixing the drinks.

"Noah, hey!" I chirped as I stepped further into the kitchen. He whirled around and moved his hand behind his back, flustered.

"O-oh hey. I waited for you after the game where did you go?" He asked smiling. I tried to look at his hands but I couldn't see what he was holding. Probably another bottle of alcohol knowing how these people get down.

"Janelle needed to leave and she was my ride. Can we go to your room?" I asked him, shoving my hands into my pockets. He smiled and tucked the bottle under the table. Jonah grabbed a blue cup and the punch spoon.

"Not until I get you something to drink, I would be a bad host if I didn't." He turned to me and winked. I felt butterflies fill my stomach and wet my lips. Chivalry has been resuscitated by Jonah Baxter. Janelle was right all along, I am desirable.

I took the drink from his hands and smiled at him before taking a sip. Jonah laced our fingers together and started for the stairs. When we reached the second floor Daniel stepped out into the hallway shirtless. When he saw me he gulped and I did the same. When Daniel realized I was holding Noah's hand his nostrils flared.

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