8|Some Kind of Void

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8|Some Kind of Void

None I can think of.

Janelle's cliche purple pastel flower paintings shook on the wall as Nip Tuck boomed in the speakers. I sat on her bed watching while she and her roommates colored an intricately designed scheme board. Janelle was going full offensive mode against the Alphas. Hanna, Dana and I had no choice but to help her.

"If we stick to this plan we should be able to get the Halloween Bash back in our hands. Then I'm gonna grab Ethan by the balls and twist until they pop out of the sac like a—"

"Janelle please spare me the graphics. I came over here because you told me you were gonna help me get ready for this date. This is our last date before his dad's engagement party this weekend and he still hasn't asked me to go with him." I said rolling over on her bed.

Daniel and I had been on 4 dates and when we weren't on dates we spent most of our time together outside of work and practice. We talk about anything and everything but his dad. I wasn't sure why it bothered me but it did. As much as Daniel claimed he hated his father it was easy to see how much the unresolved feelings weighed on him.

"I can't believe you stole Daniel from Olivia. She's totally going to retaliate once she finds out." Hanna said as she bubbled in a pink 'R.'

"Who knew Oliver was such a messy slut? You guys are roommates too so I know you're getting a good workout every night." Dana winked as she colored in a black letter. 

"I didn't steal him from her and we aren't having sex." I responded with an eye roll.

All three off the girls dropped their markers and looked up at me with wide eyes. "Wait you two aren't having sex? Th-that makes no sense. So what have you been doing for 2 weeks?" Janelle asked.

I shrugged, jabbing my fingernails into my palms. I hated when everyone looked at me. It made me feel like I grew 3 extra heads. "Talking and cuddling and binging everything. I got him caught up on Grey's Anatomy and he made me watch The Office. We're starting Parks and Rec soon." I smiled to myself as I recounted our time together.

Hanna mocked a barfing sound. "That is so mid-thirties loser Netflix rom-com. You need to spice it up, Oliver. Daniel is the hottest running back on the team. People would kill to be in your position. I mean literally, kill." Hanna held an intense look in her eyes and I nodded.

Janelle rolled her eyes and went back to work on her board. "Hanna's right. Olivia still wants him and she's not going to stop coming at him. He's bisexual so now you've got to worry about girls and boys. He's probably sucking Ethan off for fun right about now." Dana chimed in.

I frowned. "Ha! Hopefully he bites it off and chokes to death on it!" Janelle exclaimed. I tuned them out as I laid back in the bed. I closed my eyes and thought of everything, going over a list of explanations in my head.

"Maybe he doesn't want me to go to the engagement party because he doesn't want me to see Liam. I mean it makes perfect sense. Liam came between us like the little backstabbing Cunt he is and Daniel's just trying to protect me." I announced as if a light bulb clicked on over my head.

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