13. The Icing on Top

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"Okay, here's the plan." I whisper closely to Jen.

"The plan is to cover Luke's Bakery entirely of frosting. We are going to cover the windows, doors, everything."I say.

Jen was shocked I actually said something like that.

"What?!" Jen says loudly.

"Shhhh We don't need the entire block to hear you!" I reprimand Jen.

"How are we even going to cover his entire bakery? I don't think we even have that much frosting on hand at the moment." Jen explains while still looking at me like I was crazy.

"Don't worry about that, I've got that part covered." I say evilly.

After discussing every detail of the plan. Jen and I finished cleaning up the bakery and then we headed inside to open up the bakery.

After I rang up the last customer for the day. I headed outside to the back of the bakery to where I get my deliveries.

"Hey Marie." Says a man's voice.

I turn and look.

"Mike your here!" I answer eagerly.

Mike was a good family friend of my parents and he also was the one that supplied me with baking ingredients I would need for Bake City.

"Did you bring the huge batch of frosting?" I ask nervously.

"It's all here" He says proudly.

Mike was the only other person than Jen who knew about what I was going to do with all the frosting. He was all for it. I also made him promise not to tell my parents or anybody about the plan. If my parents found out they would be pissed. They wouldn't like that I would be wasting so much frosting. But desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Once Mike and I loaded the huge tubs of frosting into my bakery. I thanked him and then he got in his car and left.
Now all I had to do was wait until midnight. I wanted to make sure that no one would be around when Jen and I would be covering frosting all over Luke's Bakery. It would be a disaster if someone caught us. The last thing I need is to be booked downtown.


It was finally midnight and now it was time to put my plan into action. I put on a black shirt, black leggings, and a black pair of tennis shoes.  After getting dressed I head downstairs to the bakery's kitchen to get the tubs of frosting. Since the tubs of frosting were to heavy to carry across the street, I decided to put the frosting in icing bags.

"Marie, where are you?" I hear Jen ask.

"I'm in the kitchen, come here." I reply.

Jen walked in and she was wearing the same kind of outfit I had on.

"I feel weird wearing this get up." She says.

"Well it's better than wearing something that will get us noticed." I counter.

"True." Jen agrees. "whoa you weren't kidding about how much frosting we're going to use."

"I wasn't. Anyways help me fill these icing bags." I reply.

It took about ten minutes to get all the frosting into the bags.

"Alright let's do this." I say pumped.

We then headed outside into the cool, night air. After getting across the street, I signaled to Jen to start frosting the windows on Luke's Bakery. While Jen started on one of the windows, I proceeded to frost the glass doors of the bakery. It was actually quite fun.

After frosting the double doors of the bakery. I helped Jen with the windows.
While frosting I heard a snap of a twig.

"Jen!" I whisper. "I think someone's coming. Duck behind the bushes."

We both jumped into the bushes. I peek through the leaves to see who was coming. I then heard the pitter patter of footsteps. The person came closer but actually it wasn't a person it was a cat.

"Oh my goodness, I was so scared." Jen says relieved.

"Me too. Let's go finish up the last window, so we can go back to our bakery." I say.

Jen and I got out of the bushes and began frosting the last window.

Five minutes later we were finished with last window.

"This looks awesome." I say proudly admiring our work.

"This will teach those two shitlins not to mess with us." Jen jokes.

"I can't wait for their reactions when they see this." I reply.

"Let's go back to Bake City, I'm exhausted from all this frosting." Jen speaks.

I followed Jen back to the bakery and headed inside. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Oh Luke you're in for the surprise of your life.

*************************************Hey peeps, I hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know what you think down in the comments. Also I wanted to say thank you to all of you wonderful people for getting this story up to 100 votes! Anyways more chapters to come soon.

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