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Uee's Pov (Edited)

Today I'm having a job interview at Min's Company. While im waiting for my turn outside the interview room, I headed into the bathroom.

I stared at my own reflection in the mirror."Yang Uee, you can do this... Don't mess up and continue on." I stared at myself in the mirror and fix my hair.
I walked out going to my seat when someone suddenly bumped into me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I quickly apologized and picked up the papers that had fallen.
"Oh no worries, I got this." the lady replied back. After picking up the papers we both got up."You look new here!!" the lady exlaimed. "Oh yeah heh... But I wouldn't say new yet, I'm here for the job interview." I said slightly bowing.

"Oh, well good luck! I'm Yujin by the way, Kim Yujin." she extended her hands out. "Im Uee, Yang Uee." I shook her hands. "That's a pretty name! Well best luck to you, hope you get in so we can work together!" yujin flashed a smile. "Thank you" I shyly replied back.

"Good morning CEO Min" I turned my head torwards the entrance. A group of people bowing down to a man walk down the aisle. He looks awfully familiar. Then it hit me. I gasped out loud covering my mouth and turn around.

"Uee-shi, what's wrong?" yujin asked. "Th-that man... Who is he?" I stupidly ask knowing of course he is the CEO of the company. "Oh him? He's CEO Min. The meanest and coldest CEO ever known." yujin explained "but, all the women in the company and outside of the company falls head over heals for him. He's dreamy and handsome, but he is cold and harsh." yujin gave a dreamy sigh.

I scoffed looking back at CEO Min. His attitude hasn't changed one bit huh. "Excuse me, did you say something?" yujin broke my thoughts, I looked at her confused "uhh did I say something?"

"Well, I heard you saying something... I couldn't catch it." Yujin said fixing her stack of papers. "Oh no, you must've heard something else heh." I nervously laughed. "Well then I guess. I've got to go back and finish my work, good luck~!" Yujin cheered me on. I smiled and thanked her. I walked back to my seat and waited for my number to be called.


"Ya, you ugly potato!" a boy called me out. I froze in my tracks afraid what he will do next. "Where do you think you're going?" he pulled on my backpack making me stumble backwards.

"Where's my money?" he pierced through my eyes. I hung my head letting my hair fall covering my face and kept quiet. "Where is my money?" the boy asked again. Still I was quiet. "Don't make me say it again!" he pushed me down to the floor, and pulled my head back up as he tighten his grip on my hair. Tears at the edge of my eyes.

I tried to hold back my tears, and he asked me one more time. I took off my backpack and unzipped it. Then I felt a kick pushing me down. "Would you hurry up, I don't have time to be waisting with you!" He impatiently tapped his foot.

I quickly unzipped my bag and searched for my wallet, afraid to what he will do to me. I took out my wallet and gave it to him, he snatched it away and took most of my money out and threw back my wallet. "Be prepare for tomorrow." he whispered into my ears and left me there crying.

"Numbers 15 through 20!!" A man called out. I got up and straighten my shirt, I walked through the doors and sat on my spot. While waiting for my turn, I zoned out thinking about that boy. Or should I say that bully.

That bully's name was Yoongi, Min yoongi also kown as suga among his crew. "Number 17" I heard my number being called. "Number 17?" I snapped back into reality and smiled.

"Alright, number 17 can you speak perfect English?" the instructor asked. "Yes" I gave a short answer, "can you speak fluently?" a woman asked this time. I nodded my head "yes". They smiled, "can you speak English while we give you the interview?"

"Sure" they gave me that pressuring smile making me pressured and uncomfortable.

(A/N: bold means English.)

"Why did you want to work here?" an instructor asked me.
"I want to work here because a friend of mine, recommend me I should. I also had a dream to work in an office and make my parents proud."

They all nodded their heads. "Do you have any work experience?" One of them asked. "Yes, I had a part time job working in a cafe during my high school year, I also helped my parents manage their restaurant."

They nodded their heads again. "I also see that you went to the same high school as our CEO correct?" I froze, I have to be cautious of this question. "Uh, which school did he go to?"

"He went to Daegu High" (made up school. I was feeling lazy to search it up.) they sat there waiting for an answer.
"Y-yes, I went there." "Were you close to our CEO?" I want to sarcast and say 'yes, we were really close.' but that I will just lie. If Min Yoongi finds out who i am then im screwed!!

"Number 17?" "yes?" "would you answer the question?"

"Uhh yes. Well, I probably see him from time to time, but we were probably in a different class room, so no." great... I just lied, but hey its a safe call.

They nodded their heads and thanked me, then they went on with the person next to me. I took a deep sigh. Soon the interview was over.

With the last step, I had to wait and see if I got in or not. I waited for hours and soon the waiting area was becoming clearer. "Numbers 15 through 20!" I heard our numbers being called. I heard a whole bunch of congratulations, but when it came to me "number 17, I'm sorry but you didn't get the job."

I looked down. "But hey, we'll call you if there is an open spot. Just wait within a couple of days and we'll give you a call." I smiled and thanked the man.

As for the other three people, they didnt get the job either. I stressfully walked out of the company and looked at the sky. I heaved a sigh and took out phone and decided to call mom.

U: hello, mom?

M: yes darling?

U: I went in for a job interview today.

M: you did! How did it go?

U: it went.. Well.. I guess

M: you guessed?

U: . . .

M: what's wrong honey?

U: Apparently I didn't get the job

M: oh honey, thats totally fine there are other jobs out there. Just gotta keep looking.

U: yea.. But they said that in a couple of days wait for a phone call if there are any open spot left for me.

M: well, isn't that a great opportunity.

U: yea...

M:alright mom has to go now customers are coming in.

U: alright, love you mom.

I hung up the call and headed straight home.

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1st chapter updated!!!

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