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A/N: A bit of a long chapter, but hope you enjoy the chapter and the story. Sorry if the book is boring and lame. And the misspellings, enjoy!

Yoongi's pov

Defeated and tired I rest my head on the chair. Heaving a big sigh I spun around the chair.

Thinking about what happened earlier with my father here, my patience came rushing in making me angry.

I slam my fist on to the table, knocking over my cup of pens. I sighed ruffling my hair in frustration.


Once Uee left the room I spoke up. "Appa why are you here?" "you know exactly why I am here, Yoongi." appa spoke fixing his blazer.

"Min Yoongi, the company isn't doing well. What are you doing?"

I sat there staring into space. "Yoongi, if you keep doing this the company won't be in good terms. We need to think of something." he raised his voice at me.

Hearing his voice irritates me, I rolled my eyes, "I'll think of something." I simply said in a cold tone.

"Young man you better not speak to me with that kind of tone." appa pointed at me with his finger.

Just then there was a knock at the door, "Get the door, Kim." appa told one of his man to get the door.

Uee came in looking uneasy while I gazed at her. She set the cups down, bowed to us and left.

Appa cleared his throat, "Yoongi, you don't need to think of doing anything. I already planned something." Appa sipped his cup of water.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "appa what do you mean I don't need to do anything? I have to do something, it's my company and I need this company to survive! So I have to plan of something" I raised my voice a bit louder.

Earning an irritated glare from my father, "Stop with the tone! If I come up with something then you must follow and do what I say!" Appa raised his voice too.

"I planned an arranged marriage for you." appa looked into my eyes, I froze...

"What?" I whispered in a low voice, "you heard me, I set an arranged marriage." appa was about to drink the water when I shot up from my seat.


Appa set his cup down quickly, "you're gonna do as I say..." I ruffled my hair "WHY CAN'T YOU CONSIDER MY FEELINGS! OR WHAT I THINK ABOUT THIS! IF I DON'T WANT THIS THEN I DON'T WANT THIS!!" I shouted throwing my hands up.

"Young man! You will do what I say and choose. This is for the sake of the company!" my father stood up.

"I'm doing it whether you like it or not, you have no choice." Appa sat down and sighed.

"For the sake of the company? You think I will accept this! I will find a way to bring the compnay up again, there is no way I'm going to marry a random girl." I shook my head.

Next thing I knew I felt water splashing onto my face.

Anger came to me but I held it in, I clenched my fist trying to calm down.

"You. Are going. To do what I say! In the next month you will meet with your future wife." my father stood up brushing off the dust.

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now