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I heard some snickers from the girls.

"Agust D? Why would you name a good quality camera with a lame name like Agust D?" Mr. Han laughed along with some other employees.

"Well... it was just an idea." I mumbled looking down on my notebook. "I want to know." CEO Min blurted shocking the other employees.

I stared at CEO Min blinking a couple times. "Agust D. Well if you spell it, it's Agust D, see?" I showed them what I wrote.

"Now if you Look it backwards it's spelled D tsugA. Move the 'T' next to the 'D' it is DT, and the rest is spelled suga." I explained as the employees had a confused look.

"Explain about the DT." CEO Min folded his arms, "the DT means Daegu Town, since you were ya know, born in Daegu." CEO Min nodded his head. "Where did you get the suga part?" Miss joonhee questioned.

CRAP! I let my guard down, why Uee why! No one calls him suga anymore, I mentally slapped myself crying on the inside. "Uhh, well... CEO Min h-he has really pale skin, and it looks white as sugar!" My heart felt like it was going to burst through my chest.

The employees looked at me then to CEO Min. "Hm his skin is white as sugar. I guess that could work." Mr. Han agreed.

I sighed, "how did you know that CEO Min grew up in Daegu?" Mr. Lee questioned as my breath hitched.

Can they just leave the questions!

"Well, from what i heard from my interview, we both grew up from Daegu... that's how I know." The employees nodded.

"Alright enough with the brand name. I really like your idea Secretary Yang, Agust D. That will be the new brand name to our camera and that will be all for today's meeting, let's meet up tomorrow." Everyone packed their stuff and exit out of the room.

"Mark the calendar that there's a meeting tomorrow at 3 pm." I nodded my head as we head back upstairs.

"Back from the meeting?" I nod my head as jimin got up from his seat. He stuck out his hand as I eyed the watery object.

"You don't have to jimin." I looked at him, "It's not much but I know it'll come in handy. A little treat for you." Jimin smiled.

I grabbed the warm drink, "thanks, I'll enjoy it." I smiled sitting down, "no problem." He walked back to his desk.

"Secretary Yang can you please come into my room?" I heard CEO Min's voice spoke through the intercom.

"I'll be there." I replied back, quickly jotting down the next meeting on the calendar.

I went into CEO Min's office, "Secretary Yang I need you to check the prices on plane tickets to Norway."

I widen my eyes, "t-to Norway?!" "You sound so surprised." I stuttered

"I-I never been to... Norway." CEO Min fixed his gaze and clasped his hands. "Sit while we discuss." I exhaled and took a seat setting my clipboard on my lap.

CEO Min typed away on his computer. "Tickets to Norway." He mumbled. "Hm, $390 per plan ticket." I choked $390.... per plane ticket?!

CEO Min hummed in reply, "how many plane tickets?" I asked, "Hmm about 5 people."

"So if the plane tickets are $390, and 5 people are going then the cost would be..." I calculated getting the number.

"$1,950?!" I exclaimed, "that shouldn't be a problem, we have enough money." I slumped in my chair.

"Write down the price and the people that are going with us." CEO Min commented, i nod my head.

"Who's going to Norway?" I waited until CEO Min looked at me. "That's what we need to discuss."

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now