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In the taxi, the ride was quiet besides the music that is playing. I looked out the window as we passed by little shops and people walking by.

We stopped a couple yards away from our hotel, "thank you sir!" I smile at him, "no problem, good thing you have your wallet back." He popped the trunk.

CEO Min took the backpacks out handing me mine. We walkes as the taxi man drove off.

I limped back to our hotel, "c-can you slow down!" I shouted as CEO Min was way a head of me, but he kept walking. I huffed, "first he was nice up at the mountain, and now he's ignoring me... still a bully to me." I mumbled as I limped.

"What was that?" I gasped almost tiping over to the side. CEO Min was ready to catch me when I balanced myself.

I fixed my backpack, "nothing, just talking gibberish." I quickly limped away from him scolding myself quietly.

"Uee! Are you ok?!" Choohee stood up as she saw us or me limping. I nod, "just a sprained ankle no biggy." I reassured her. She looked at me worriedly, "ok lets set down your backpack and sit down, I'll ask for ice." I took off my backpack as choohee left.

"What took you two so long?" Namjoon asked sipping on a cup of coffee. "We got caught with a thief." CEO Min ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why what happen?" Jungkook curiously asked, "some guy helped Secretary Yang get up and just followed us. I saw how her backpack was unzipped when he helped her." Choohee came back with a bag of ice.

"And stold her wallet, I literally ran after him." Choohee observed my ankle.

After a while we all did our own thing. Some of us slept, read, or doing whatever pleases them now. I was on my laptop doing paper work, that Nori sent me.

My phone rang making me jump. 'Jimin wants a video call'

I answerd holding my phone up so I could see his face. "Hey!" I greeted, "hey, how is it over there!" Jimin zoomed in making his eyes bigger, I chuckled.

"Um... its fun!" I played with my pen. (I have a pen, i have apple, uhh applepen! I have a pen, i have pineapple, uhh pineapple pen. I have applepen, i have pineapplepen uhh, pen-pineapple- applepen-pen SORRY I HAD TO IT'S JUST HILARIOUS!)

"Ahh, so what are you doing now?" He asked, "finishing up work." He froze for a bit and the line wasn't connecting. The video call ended 'there is no internect connection, please try again.' I huffed setting my phone aside.

From the other side I heard the PPAP song, and saw that jungkook was imitating the dance. I laughed silently, as I recieved a message.

Sorry about that.

It's ok the internet connection isn't strong here.

Oh thank goodness!

Well I have to get to work, good nite!

I was slowly falling asleep as my head kept bobbing up and down. I shook off the tiredness and rest my head on my arms, as I continued to write.

My eyes were closing causing me to write scribbles on the paper, and my eyelids closing on me. (All the time at school!)

"Yah, Uee ireona (wake up)." Someone shook me awake. Choohee cooed as I opened my eyes slowly stretching my arms and legs.

"What time is it?" I mumbled with my eyes squinted, resting my chin on my hand. "5:30, you took an hour nap you know!" I rubbed my eyes.

"Where's everyone?" I examined area. "Yoongi went out to take more photos, and the other two boys.... at the beach." She sat down next to me staring at my scattered paper.

It was awfully quiet, Choohee would be talking to me now. I took a quick glance at her as she sighed playing with her hair.

"Hey, why so gloomy?" I poked her arm with my pen. She looked up from my paper, "I'm not" she weakly smiled.

"You know I'm always open to talk." Her lips came to a thin line, "I-i like namjoon." She quietly comfessed leaving me in surprise.

"Really?" She nod her head, "but I don't think he likes me." She quickly added. My eyebrows furrowed, "why makes you say that?"

She sighed, "he likes someone else." Disapointment showed in her eyes. I grabbed her hand squeezing them. "Do you know who this someone else is?" She shook her head.

My lips became thin, "I could figure out who this 'someone else' is." She shook her head again, "It's fine dont worry about it."

"Are you sure?" I asked, "just don't tell anyone, ok?" I nod. "Lets go do something, like its our last day here!" Choohee shot up grabbing my hand.

"W-wait! Let me clean this up!" Choohee kept pulling on my arm dragging me further away from the table. "The boys can do that!"


"Uee!" Jungkook came in and saw a mess of paper on the table and floor. "Uee?" Jungkook walked to her door knocking, but there was no reply.

He went over to Choohee's door and knocked, "choohee open up!" Jungkook sighed in frustration.

He pulled out his phone, dialing Uee's phone number. He heard a ring tone that sounded the same as Uee's phone.

He walked over to a phone that is ringing on the table. 'Jeon jungkook' was on the phone, he ended the call and picked the phone up.

"I'll call choohee then." I mumbled. "Im sorry, the person is not accepting any calls at this-" i ended the call trying again.

Nothing but the same thing. I grew worried running back to Namjoon Hyung. "HYUNG! HYUNG!" i repeatedly shouted.

Namjoon looked back, "waee!" I stopped to catch my breath, "what is it that you're screaming?" Yoongi and namjoon looked me. 

"I.... don't k-know.... where the g-girls are." I panted heavily. "T-they're missing."

"What do you mean missing?"

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

Haii!! Im back! Sorry for the long wait! School got me fcked up im sorry. And the PPAP song, sorry it's been stuck with me the whole entire day.

But I went hungting this weekend and CAUGHT MY FIRST BUCK! Pretty exciting! If you want to see it.... ig dm me?

Anyways see you in the next chapter!

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now