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"Well... I'm here to asist you." Aunty Moon folded her hands together.

"Why? What for?" Yoongi asked, "first of all, i heard from your father that you are getting married!" Aunty Moon exclaimed making yoongi roll his eyes.

"It's an arranged marriage, Aunty Moon. I don't even know this girl." Aunty Moon shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm so jealous of you though. You're getting married before me!" Aunty Moon crossed her arms. "That doesn't matter, what's the second reason?" Yoongi went on with the next question.

Aunty Moon shifted in her chair, "second, I'm here to work next to you. I'll be working as the supervisor or the manger." Aunty Moon nodded her head afterwards.

'Hmm' was all yoongi said. "When do you start working?"

"I start working next week." Aunty Moon played with the little flowers on her shirt.

After some talk, Aunty Moon left the company.

"Have a nice day, thank you for coming!" Uee bowed 90° to Aunty Moon who smiled sweetly to her.

Uee sat down patting her skirt. Pulling in from her chair she organized the files separately, checking one by one to see if there are any mistakes.

After I finished, looking over the files i got up from my seat walking to the business cooperation.

"Hi, Mr. Kim here are the files." I handed the files to him while he took them. We bowed down biding a good bye.

Walking down the hall I saw Jimin. "Hey." Jimin greeted, while i did the same back to him.

"Are you busy tonight?" Jimin asked, I blinked a couple of times. "Hmm I don't think so why?"

Jimin licked his lips, before heaving out a nervous sigh. "I was just wondering if... you would like to have uh dinner with... me."

I blinked a couple of times, "sure, I'd love to have dinner with you." Jimin smiled widely.

"Really?!" He exclaimed, i nodded my head laughing. He clasped his hands together, "tonight after work!" He ran down the hall throwing his fist in the air.

I giggled at his little action, while walking back to my desk.

It was almost 8 pm, the time for me to leave. Jimin came up to my desk, as i was packing away.

"You ready yet?" Jimin set his chin on his hands, watching me pack my things. "Ahhh almost." I smiled not looking away from my packing.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat. Jimin and I turned our gaze to find CEO Min standing at the door.

He walked up to us setting down more files of paper in front of me. "Finish these before you go." He walked away slamming the door.

Jimin and I jolted from our spot, "what was that all about?" Jimin stared at CEO Min's door, as i shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess we won't be having dinner together, sorry." I apologized. Jimin smiled sweetly.

"Who says we won't be having dinner?" I stared at jimin, completely confused. I shrugged.

"CEO Min." I stated the fact. Jimin laughed at me, "What's so funny?" I asked as jimin hugged his stomach.

"Y-you're so innocent uee" i couldn't understand what was funny. Jimin's laugh died down as he saw my confused face.

"Never mind" jimin cleared his throat rubbing the nape of his neck. I sighed looking at the files of paper.

"You can go home, maybe we can have dinner tomorrow, or lunch." I set my purse down, pulling in my chair.

I heard jimin leaving, so I grabbed a stack of files. For a second later, i heard a chair rolling in my way.

Chills went down my spine. Only one light was provided, and i was alone. I felt cold hands on my shoulders, and yelped jumping off my chair.

"Hey, it's just me." Jimin's face appeared brightly in front of me. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't do that." I sat back down on my chair, trying to calm down. "Sorry, i didn't think i would scare you." Jimin slightly laughed.

"I thought you left?" I asked opening up a file. "Well, we made plans already, so i thought. Hey, might as well help if we want to have dinner today." I laughed at jimin's thought.

"If you want dinner that bad, then i guess you could help." I smiled. "Great, hand me a couple of files." Jimin pumped himself up, like he was ready for a competition.

I laughed picking up half the files and set it in front if him. He stopped, looking at the files.

"I said a couple, not half the files." Jimin complained, "well, too bad mister you said you were helping."

"I am helping!!" Jimin defended, "quicker if you and I do half." I flipped through the files, putting on a serious face.

"Whaa... so mean." Jimin shook his head while he cried silently.

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Hi jammers!!! Sorry for the long wait, i was pretty busy.

Anyways a quick update today, and waiting for the day to go by. Its so slow today!!! Can't wait to watch Lights Out!!

Peace out jammers!!!!

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now