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50th CHAPTER!!! Thanks for reading! And sorry for the long wait, I apologize if there are any mistakes or misspellings. ENJOY! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!

I fell back, disgusted and frightened. I wanted to puke at the spot. I got up washing my hands, scrubbing off the red stain with soap. I dried my hands and speed dailed Yoongi's number. "I'm sorry but the person you're call-" I ended it and tried again.

Everytime I saw the box I wanted to puke. No matter how much I want to wrap it up and throw it away, I just can't. I tried again with the speed dial.

Y: hello, sorry I was busy. What's up?

U: Yoongi you need to come home now.

Y: Uee are you ok? Your voice sounds different, is everything alright at home?

U: Y-yoongi, I need you come home right now. I'm scared and disgusted and frightened. Just hurry home.

I ended the call and curled myself up on the couch. Moments later yoongi burst through the door. "Uee are you ok? What's wrong?" I quickly hugged yoongi, when he was in front of me.
Yoongi caressed my head, stroking my hair. "I'm scared, I'm so scared." My voice quivered. Yoongi pulled away sternly looking into my eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He ask, my gaze went on the brown box, seeing the box turn more red. Yoongi followed my gaze, and questioned.
"What the f... what the hell is this?" Yoongi saw the dead rose with maggots. The rose was coated with red liquid, and the maggots crawling and squirming feeling the maggots pierce into my skin, squirming.

Yoongi pick the letter from the floor, reading it. Yoongi, angrily tore the letter in pieces throwing it into the trash. Yoongi came to me, kneeling down. "He's not going to take you away." He hugged me. "T-there's more." I mumbled onto yoongi's shoulder. He pulled away, "more? You have to show me." I nodded and went into our room.

Taking a handful of everything, that person has sent. Yoongi came in and saw all of it. He roamed into the stuff, getting angry the moment he saw pictures of me. "That bastard took pictures of you." He threw the pictures on the floor, "I'm calling the cops, he is stalking you." Yoongi got up with his phone.

I sat on the floor with a mess on the floor. Scared, I drew my legs to my chest. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU NEED PROOF?! WE GOT ALL THE PROOF, THE STUFF THE BASTARD SENT IS HERE!" Yoongi shouted outside of the room. "THAT bastard is stalking my girlfriend. He's planning to take her away from me and our child, and you're telling me you won't investigate who this bastard is?" I can see him throw his hands up.

"You know what, you're all idiots! Helpless cops, just forget I called. I'll look for this man myself and prove you wrong." Yoongi threw his phone onto the wall. He came in running a hand through his hair, while the other opens the door. "I guess you heard all of it." His voice change from raging to soft.

I nod my head, "I can't have you stay home now, I don't know what's going to happen if I let you stay home alone. I'm taking you to the company." Yoongi sighed, running his fingers in my hair and gently placed his forehead on mine.

Quickly, I pack Gwihan's baby stuff in the baby bag, formula, diapers, wipes, bottles, etc. Yoongi help prepare Gwihan into her car seat. "Done?" I nod, slinging the straps onto my shoulders. We head out locking the door and into the car. Yoongi strapped the seatbealt on Gwihan's car seat securing it in place.

Yoongi ran up to the driver seat and started the engine. I felt a lot safer, with yoongi by my side, I snake my fingers with his long slender fingers intertwining them. I knew yoongi had a questioning face, "I feel safe with you." I spoke almost in a whisper.

Yoongi took the hand we had intertwined and kissed the back of my hand. Soon we reached the front of the company. Walking through the doors, with Yoongi carrying Gwihan's car seat and again our hands intertwined.

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now