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"The plane is about to take off in a few minutes, please buckle your seat belts, make sure there are nothing on your lap and bigger devices shall be put into airplane mode or turned off. Thank you." The flight atendent spoke.

I grabbed my seatbelt, as our hands accidently touched. I pulled away quickly and apologized. He gave me that annoyed look and buckled up.

My heartbeat beated fast, due to being nervous. My hands shook grabing the other seatbelt.

I sat and heaved a big breath. I looked out the window again seeing people work, and airplanes taking off.

"The airplane will now be taking off. Thank you for riding Korea airline."

We are now flying in the sky. I continued to stare out the window seeing the clouds. I took my phone out and took a snap of the clouds.

I smiled at the picutre of how beautiful the photo looked. I put my phone away and took my sketch book out. I drew whatever came into my mind.

Sooner or later my head was bobbing while drawing. I can't fall asleep with CEO Min next to me.

I tired to stay awake. So i took my phone out, leaving my sketch book aside.

I played a couple of games on my phone, then it me bored so I put my phone away and decided to take a quick nap.

I fixed myself leaning my head on the window. I pulled down the blind and slept.

Yoongi's pov

I quickly buckled up, and sat back. On the plane is boring, I hate plane rides but the best part of it is I get to have my rest for 10 hrs and 7 minutes, without disruption.

But I couldn't sleep. Uee kept me up, I watched her draw a beautiful 3D pot of flowers.

I was amazed of how good she can draw. I remember back in high school I would bully her for her drawings.

She was just a beginner in her freshmen year. We would always bully her of how bad it looks, she cried all time. Midway of school we continue to bully her drawings.

The next day we heard her quit drawing class, because she was felt like she wasn't good enough and felt unencouraged because of me.

I felt bad after, but I wanted to be cool and be known. So I bullied her again after she quit drawing class.

I saw her sleeping against the window. Her head bobbed hitting the window everytime.

Without thinking, I took her head and set it carefully on my shoulder.

I watched her sleep, and admired her beauty. I got to admit, she is beautiful.

In high school she wasn't that ugly, she was the most prettiest one out of all the high school girls. She had a petite face, big eyes, a button nose and thick lips.

But I bullied her because I wanted to see her everytime. I was stupid to hurt her. I was foolish, i wish I could go back in time and just told her that i liked her.

I threw my head back staring at the light. Uee moved a little making me stare at her again. "Uee, I promise that I will protect you and keep you away from harm. It's a promise." I whispered.

I watched her sleep, as my eye lids fell heavy. Next thing you know, I slept with her head on my shoulder.

"Sir, sir we've just arrived in Norway." Yoongi woke up squinting his eyes at the flight attendant.

She saw that he got up and walked down the aisle. Yoongi, moved forgetting that Uee was still fast asleep on his shoulder.

I lifted her head off my shoulder and set her head carefully against the window.

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now