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Uee's pov (Edited)

I woke up extra early this morning. Im so excited!! I got ready and Jooyoung got my breakfast ready. "Uee, come down and get your breakfast!" youngie called. I shouted back that I will be down in a bit.

After my finishing touches and grabbing my stuff, I headed downstairs. "Good morning youngie!" I sat down and grabbed a toast with a jar of jams. "Morning Uee." She greeted. I finished the rest of my breakfast and headed out, jooyoung sent me to the door and bid me goodbye.

"See you later!" jooyoung waved, I waved back "I'll be home by 8!" and in I went into the elevator. I went to the parking lot and unlocked my car, I turned it on and drove to Min's Company. The pounding of my heart, feeling it pound harshly against my chest. Could feel myself start to sweat as I felt my body getting hotter. I was getting nervous while driving so I blasted music in my car.

I arrived outside of the company, parking my car in the employee parking area. I entered into the humongous building walking around confused. "Excuse me, Miss Uee?" I turned around seeing a young lady with a clipboard in her hands, she looked like she's in her late twenties. Indeed she is very pretty, but at the same time she looks fierce as well. Don't tell me she's like those strict co-workers?

"yes?" I replied back with a smile. "Hi, I'm Jenny Lee just call me Mrs. Lee. I'll be taking you to your office now, so please follow me." She gave me her hand as an offer to shake it. Her voice was loud, clear, and hard that it sent chills down my back. I followed her into the elevator awkwardly standing next to her. As we got in she pressed the highest level of the building.

"Your office will be infront of the CEO's office." she said while I nodded. "I'll tell you the things that Ceo Min like and dislike." I nodded while I took my little notebook out.

"One, never bother Ceo Min when he is busy. Two, always do what Ceo Min tells you to do, never disobey him. Three, must get your work done. Four, never get on his nerves, it'll be an ugly picture." I quickly jotted down all of those four rules.

We were now out of the elevator walking through offices, all the office people kept looking at me. The men stared in awe like they have never seen a woman before. The women stared at me with a sort of jealous disgust in their eyes, as they start to whisper among the other ldaies. "Umm... Is there any specific rule about his coffee? Like what does he like in his coffee or how he wants it to be made?" I asked while Mrs. Lee looked stumped.

"I-I do not know Miss Uee, but you can ask him yourself." I stopped at my tracks.The last part echoed in my head. There is no way I'm talking to a bastard like him. Who am I kidding, I'm his secretary now. I'll have to report to him every now and then. Ugghh why is life torturing me.

"Miss Uee? Are you coming?" Mrs. Lee called and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uhh y-yea, I'm coming." I jogged towards her side and we continued walking. We came to our destination. My desk in front of the CEO's office. I saw the other co-workers in their work space. So I won't be alone then. Whew.

The other co-workers got up to greet Mrs. Lee. "Good morning Mrs. Lee" they all chimed. "Good morning everyone. This young lady here is the new secretary, she will be joing us from today." Mrs. Lee introduced me.

"Hello, I'm Yang Uee nice to meet you all." I shyly greeted. I don't know how these people are. Maybe they're mean like Min Yoongi. They all got up with a really big smile and came to welcome me. "Welcome Uee! We're soo glad to meat you!" They hugged me one by one.

"I'm Nori, nice to meet you." she hugged me and I replied the same thing back to her. "And I'm Haneul. I'm so grateful to meet you." I shook Haneul's hand and smiled. "Hi! And I'm Jimin! Park Jimin!" the cute baby face of a male standing in front of me, waved smiling with his eyes. I smiled and shook his hands feeling the warmth transitioning to my cold hands.

"All right enough with the introductions, I need to show Miss Uee around before Ceo Min comes." Mrs. Lee grabbed my shoulders pushing me to my desk. It wasn't too big or too small, but it looked about the right size for all the work I will be doing. I smiled to myself knowing that I will be an office lady. Not just any office lady but a secretary!

"You like it?" Mrs. Lee broke my thought of happiness. I nodded, "I love it!" I looked up at her. She had a big smile on her face. "Well, I'm glad you love it. But lets go take a look around." I nodded and followed her obediently.

This company is huge!! I don't think I will get use to it yet, I'd probably get lost. It was almost 8 o'clock, so Mrs. Lee and I headed back to the office or should I say... Outside of the CEO's office. When we got there I went straight to my desk to check what I'm doing on my first day.

As I was waiting for my screen to load, the CEO walked in. We all got up to greet him. "Good morning Ceo Min!!" we all said. Yoongi kept walking, stopping in his tracks right when he walk past me. He turned his head and called out my name. I froze.

Shit shit shit!!!

I looked at him, "yes, Ceo Min?" I replied "follow me please." Yoongi ordered me to do so. It's soo weird to call him Ceo Min. "Yes, sir." I shortly answered and followed him in his office. He went to his desk, "take a seat" He gestured me to sit. I did as I was told and sat down along with Yoongi. 

I played with my fingers keeping my gaze on my fingers, avoiding any eye contact. The atmosphere was awkward until Yoongi broke the silence. "So the reason why I told you to come in because I need to talk to you about my schedule." Yoongi puts his hands together and set them on top of his desk.

I nodded my head, "What is it then?" I asked. He handed me a piece of paper, I looked at it and it was his schedule. "I want you to make a new schedule because I made a new appointment on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Also I want you to have one so you know my schedule." I nodded my head while looking at his schedule. 

"I want that to be done ASAP. Oh and I have a meeting later at 12. So if you don't mind, buy me lunch before 12, you will be going to the meeting with me too." He threw a whole bunch at me. Is this how a secretary works in the company?

I nodded my head, "yes, I understand." I got up and was about to leave until I remembered something. "Oh, um Ceo Min?" Yoongi looked up from his paper work and rose his left eyebrow.

"What would you like for lunch, sir?" I asked, "just about time you asked me."he rolled his eyes and sighed, "anything would be good, but it can't be a heavy lunch or else my stomach would be bloated and that would be uncomfortable during the meeting." I nodded my head. 

"Oh um one more thing Ceo Min." again yoongi looked at me a little bit annoyed. "Are you... allergic to anything?" He thought for a moment. 

"Yes, I'm allergic to shrimps, avocados, and peaches. Are you done now?" I nodded my head, "Yes, sir" I replied right away, "good, now hurry with my new schedule." He shooed me off. 

I walked out of his office, and went to my desk and got started with the schedule.

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For new readers, I have edit this chapter and the previous chapters to make it better. ENJOY!


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