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"Dad, I thought we were going to have a serious talk. But you're talking about me." I hid my face, causing my parents and Yoongi to laugh at me.

"C'mon can't I hear stories of you when you were a child?" Yoongi, poked my side. I giggled, "you can always hear them later." I stuck out my tounge, crossing my arms.

"Someone is still sassy." Mom snickered, "and clumsy." Yoongi added. I groaned, "dad, do something." I begged but dad only laughed it off, raising both his hands up.

"Why am I the only one being bullied here. Yoongi is the guest shouldn't you bully him?" I gave him a death glare.

"He is our guest sweetie, that's not nice." I scoffed, "I'm getting more juice." I got up going into the kitchen.

While Uee is in the kitchen, Uee's parents laughed. "That girl.. still very sassy." Her mom sighed.

"I hope you're taking good care of her, I know she is clumsy at times, and fragile." Uee's mom turned to Yoongi.

"Don't worry Mrs. Yang I am taking good care of her. She has injured herself more than once, but luckily I'm there to protect her." Yoongi spoke from his heart.

"That's good. Thank you for taking care of her." Uee's dad patted Yoongi's arm, like a proud father would do. "Aren't you.. Aren't you the young boy who took Uee to the hospital back in high school?" Mrs. Yang pointed.

"Ah that's right! It was you right?" Mr. Yang had a light bulb on top of his head. Yoongi, rubbed the nape of his neck nodding.

"Omo! I didn't know it would be you! Thank you again! We never thought we would meet you again!" Mrs. Yang came and pulled yoongi into a hug.

"H-how can we repay you?" Yoongi's eyes widen. "Please, that's not necessary." Yoongi waved his hands while shaking his head.

"Is there anything you want us to repay you back?" Mrs. Yang still insist. Yoongi thought for a while.

"Well to repay me, can I ask for your respect for me to date your daughter?" Mrs. Yang looked at Mr. Yang.

"Of course we can!" Mr. Yang smiled, as Yoongi mirrored his smile. "Thank you sir!"

"Don't call me sir, call me appa." Yoongi stared at Mr. Yang taken back. "And call me eomma." Mrs. Yang smiled brightly.

Little did they know, Uee was ease dropping. She smiled widely that her parents accepted them.

I walked out of the kitchen, "what are we talking about?" I sat next to yoongi setting my cup of juice down.

"About you." I looked at Yoongi when he gave a quick kiss in front of my parents. I felt my face heating up, I slapped his chest "not in front of my parents, it's embarrassing." I covered my face with my hands.

Yoongi laughed pulling me in a hug.

"Bye mom bye dad!" I hugged them, "bye sweetie, drive safely watch out for cars!" My mom concerned. I hugged her again, "we will mom, don't worry."

We waved and bid them goodbye. I sighed once the car started moving. "What a day." Yoongi laughed, "said the one who slept most of the day." I punched him, "hey, sleeping is exhausting ok." I defended.

"I don't know why I was so tired today."

"Maybe you're tired from... last night?" Yoongi teased, "shh." Yoongi laughed again.

Unknowingly I have fallen asleep again. "Uee wake up. We're at your apartment." I rub my eyes and yawn.

"Bye." I waved tiredly, yoongi chuckled and mumbled 'cutie'. "See you at work tomorrow." I nodded and closed the door.

We kept waving nonstop until I was in the building. I walked into my apartment, Jooyoung stood up.

"Where have you been!? I tried calling your phone, but you never picked them up! I thought something bad happened to you. I had to call Yoongi, and he said you were with him." I walked into my room.

"So what happened last night? Or today? Hello talk to me!" Jooyoung was literally shouting, but I ignored her.

I put a finger up my lips shushing her, "I'm really tired, we can talk later." I laid on my bed and knocked out.


"Rise and shine sleepy head! Wake up and tell me what happened between you two!" Jooyoung shook me up.

I groaned pulling the blanket over my head, "let me sleep." But the covers were pulled off.

"Nope you are telling me everything." She pulled me up in a sitting position, but I fell back down. "Wake up!" Jooyoung jumped on my bed.

I peeked at the time, "ugh, please let this poor woman sleep! It's only 5 in the morning young-ah!" I tired to pull the blankets over my body.

"Fine, I'm letting you off today but you better tell me later." I put my hands up telling her okay. I heard the door close and I fell asleep.

(Time skip cuz, idk what to write)

6 weeks later.

"Secretary Yang can you come into my office?" Yoongi spoke through the telecom. "In a bit." I replied.

I fixed my desk clearing it up from the scattered paper. I knocked on Yoongi's door walking in. "You wanted to see me?" Yoongi smiled gesturing me to sit.

"My mom called this morning saying she wants to have dinner today after work. And she wants you there." I nodded, "ok."

"What's wrong?" Yoongi's face showed some concerns, "oh nothing, maybe you should ask Jungkook's little sister. If you're done I have to finish up some arrangements." I walked away from his desk.

He grabbed my wrist turning me around, "why are you like this? I have nothing to do with her." His eyes narrowed.

I scoffed, "nothing to do with her? Then explain to me why you were hugging her in your office, two days ago." Yoongi seemed surprised, but a smirk slipped.

"Stop with the smirk!" He pulled me by the waist, "I sense someone is jealous" I squirmed, "I'm not jealous." I defended pushing Yoongi off.

"C'mon just admit it, you are jealous." He continued to tease, but I was getting mad. "Stop! I'm not jealous. It's bugging me thats all, tell me why you hugged her." I pushed him but he pulled me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry. She wanted help with photography and I did. She was happy so she hugged me. Why are you so worked up? Are you on your.. period?" I pushed him again.

"No, it's just mood swings. Now move, I'm busy." I stomped to the door.

"She's on her period."

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If you haven't alredy, I already update the first chapter to my winter/christmas special series.

Its a jungkook fanfic called The Red Dress. I was in debate between Namjoon and Jungkook because it was half and half for both members being requested.

But I chose Jungkook because I already have the story line picked out. I would've done a winter series of Namjoon, cuz he's my ultimate bias. But I couldn't think of a plot.

So please check out the first chapter of The Red Dress in my Winter/christmas special reading list.

Don't forget to vote and comment! And stay warm!

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now