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I tripped over a rock, and fell on my hands. I winced at the hard impact on my right hand.

Yoongi turned around once he heard Uee's scream. "Uee!" He breathed and ran towards her.

I crouched beside her, as she was in so much pain. "Are you ok Uee?" He set his hands on her back as she is rubbing her ankle with her left hand, and the other hand kept close to her chest. 

"Can you walk?" I asked, she shrugged her shoulders. I tried pulling her up, "ahh" she huffed falling back down.

"Does it hurt that bad?" She bit her bottom lip, nodding slowly.  I put the camera away in the bag and took it off. "Get on."

Uee was shocked, "w-what, I can't" CEO Min growled, "just get on." Uee jumped at his voice and did what he requested.

CEO Min got up and started walking. "Why are you clumsy." Yoongi mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" Uee heard Yoongi mumbled. "Nothing." He said in a cold tone.

Uee shrunked, awkwardly holding onto CEO Min's back.

He jumped so I wouldn't fall off his back. "Why are you so cold?" CEO Min turn his head slightly for me to see his lashes.

There was a long pause, "I was born that way." He answered. I froze and stared ahead of me.

"I meant you're body temperature, not how you act cold." I chuckled a little, as i felt his body tense. I stopped chuckling and cleared my throat.

I mumbled an apology. We got to the half way point, "do you want to rest? There's a bench over there we could rest for a while." CEO Min panted quietly.

CEO Min set me down to sit on the bench. I went into my back pack and pulled out a water bottle. "Here." CEO Min stared at me with those eyes that could still make me scared.

I gulped as he took the water bottle. I went back into my bag and grabbed another water bottle.

I was staring into space, looking at the clouds change shapes. I gasped, "CEO Min what are you doing?" He was kneeling on one leg grabbing my ankle.

"Does it hurt?" He ignored my question, as he massaged it. I winced pulling back my leg.

CEO Min went into his bag and pulled out the first aid kit. "I knew you were going to hurt yourself in some sort of way." He looked up at me.

I watched him apply medicine on my ankle, and wrapped it. "What about your hand?" He came up and examined my hand.

It's good, I thought in my head. "Looks fine. If it starts to hurts or gets uncomfortable tell me." He packed the first aid kit, "and your ankle." He pointed.

"You ready to go?" He looked at me, "sure, yea." He knelt down and I got on his back.


We were on the train heading back to our hotel. My phone buzzed in my coat. A message from Choohee.

Where r u guys?
- Choohee

On the train.
- Uee

Oh ok, well we're waiting at the hotel.
- Choohee

I looked at the last message before putting it back in my coat, when my phone buzzed again.

A message from Youngie. I opened it and read it.

How is it in Norway?
- Youngie

So far not so bad, but I did injure myself a bit.
- Uee

WHAT! YAH! Where when? Are you ok? Tell me!.
- Youngie

I laughed at the message in front of me.

I'll tell you when I get back home.
- Uee

I put my phone away as it kept buzzing. Will this girl stop? After I said that in my head, my phone stopped buzzing.

"Our stop is here." I got up, as the train came to a stop. I lost my balance falling forward.

CEO Min caught my arm, pulling me closer to him, "be careful."

I pulled away looking out the widow as the dooor opened. I limped out of the of the train, "need some help?" CEO Min offered.

"No I'm good." I smiled at him. Thats the first he ever asked if I needed help. I thought.

"Ok" he walked ahead of me, my smiled turned into a frown. "Hey... w-wait!" I limped faster, catching up to CEO Min but failed and ended up falling to the ground.

"You ok miss?" A stranger behind me asked concerned. I watched CEO Min turn around and gave me eye contact.

I smiled to the stranger, "I'm good thanks." He helped me up, "I can help you if you want." I blinked, "s-sure..."

The stranger grabbed my back pack slinging it over his back and we slowly made our way towards CEO Min.

We exit out through the door, now waiting for our cab. The stranger set me down to sit on a chair provided. "Thanks uhh... sorry I didn't get your name." He smiled charmingly, "Christoph" we both smiled.

"What about you?" He asked, "oh I'm Uee." I took a quick glance at CEO Min as he kept staring at Christoph, with his cold eyes.

"I'll be back I need to call someone." Christoph pointed to his phone. Once he walked away from us, CEO Min came up to me.

"Stay away from him." He said in a low cold monotone. "He's dangerous." He eye Christoph as he waved.

I smiled back at him, "why is he following you?" I shrugged, "I don't really... know.." i finally thought.

Christoph came back, "sorry about that." I smiled at him.

CEO Min grabbed his bags, "the cab is here, let's go." The taxi man popped the back trunk.

Christoph helped bring my stuff to the cab. "Thanks a lot Christoph." He gave me a hug surprising me. "Anything for a beautiful lady."

He left as CEO Min slammed the trunk. He walked up to Christoph throwing a punch at his face.

I gasped, "CEO Min what are you doing?" I slowly limped towards them. CEO Min threw another punch until he fell down.

I squealed, "What's your problem man?" He said in English, "What's my problem? My problem is you of course." CEO Min spoke in korean, tightening his collar.

"Give back her wallet." He gritted through his teeth. I furrowed my eye brows staring at Christoph. He looked at me, "I didn't steal anything. All I did was help, is it wrong to help? Or are you just jealous?" Christoph protested.

"CEO Min stop, let him go!" I pulled CEO Min off of Christoph.

Christoph straighten out his collar getting up. "I didn't steal." I looked at Christoph and over to CEO Min who scoffed.

I stuck my hand out, "c'mon Uee..." Christoph pled. "My wallet. Now." I sternly looked in his eyes, when his face died down.

Christoph sighed reaching into his little pocket, but he ran off. I widen my eyes shocked. "Aish!" CEO Min ran after him.

I stood there, shocked.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

Hey long time no update? Sorry for the long wait! School is keeping ne busy. I can only have time to write on the city bus to school.

But thanks for 2K!!! 😁 you don't know how much I appreciate you all reading my story. But pls do vote and comment, it keeps me motivated.

And BTS's new comeback trailer nearly killed me yesterday! YASS JHOPE YASS!!! But I was thibking that it would be Boy Meets World or something, but it's actually Boy Meets Evil.... Mind blown!

And I believe the devil they shook hands with, is the guy burning in the beginning in Fire. Idk my thoughts, don't listen to me! Aight i rant to much this morning.

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now