Chapter 6: Night Trouble

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Francis slowly opens his eyes, then quickly looks around, confused," where the hell am I?"

"Safe, for now" a man, much younger than Francis himself slowly approaches him, staring at him," you look fine too me, you got a couple of bites from that attack, but you don't seem any different".

"Who the hell are you?" Francis quickly gets to his feet, searching for his weapons," where'd you put my gun?"

"I had to make sure you weren't one of those things, I saved your life. Your gun is on that table" the younger man points at a table on the other side of the room.

Francis quickly goes to the table, grabbing his gun," are we in some kind of school? And what happened? Last thing I remember is being dragged away by some wet........thing".

"I heard your friends call it a Smoker" the man tells Francis," by the way, name's Keith" he goes over to the motorcyclist, and offers a handshake.

"I don't shake" Francis tells him, walking over to the window staring outside it, at all the infected on the streets," what were you doing there, anyway?"

"Bill, he's one of my 'friends' I guess you could call him. He used to babysit me and my friend El when we were much younger. Then this shit happened" Keith says, walking over by Francis, staring out the window," but it isn't all bad." 

Francis turns to the weird looking man," you mean to tell me cannibalism is okay, and that you don't mind livng in fear everyday, fear of dying?"

"No, I meant the everyday free stuff. Ever since hell broke out on earth, we don't have to pay for groceries, game consoles and cigarettes".

"You mean to tell me, you actually go shopping?" Francis stares at him, a suprised look on his face.

"When I can" Keith tells him, turning around, walking to the other table," when I can. I mean why not? Everything's kind" Keith takes out, what looks like an unlit molotov from underneath the table.

"Is that what I think it is?" Francis stares at Keith's molotov," how did you get your hands on that?"

"Made it meself. Me and my buddy El used to go round causing trouble back in the day, he showed me....."

"I can already tell you're going to be a pain in my ass" Francis tells him," do you even know how to use that thing?" Francis goes over, and takes the molotov away from him, looking at it," jesus christ, you're one dangerous redneck."

Keith adjusts his cap," I try to be when I want too".

"I take it your immune to this 'flu' too?" Francis turns to him, as he searches for a lighter in his pants pockets.

Keith looks at him," I guess so" and watches Francis as he takes out a lighter, his eyes go wide," you aren't lighting that thing in here, now are ya?" He backs up abit, just in case.

 Francis smiles, and says," why not? It's kinda free, isn't it?" He lights the rag at the end, then quickly throws it out the window, as it lands hard on the ground, glass shattering can be heard as the fire explodes out of it, burning some of the infected on the ground.

"Why the HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" Keith asks.

"That's the way we're heading" Francis looks out the broken window," there's an evacuation at the Mercy Hospital".

"Where'd you hear that from? The news? Because I couldn't get a signal on any tv since the outbreak" Keith tells him, staring out the broken window, as a car below explodes.

"You really are an idiot, aren't ya?" Francis jumps on a parked bus from the 2nd story window, landing on it as he stares down at the majority of the infected burning, he turns back," coming?"

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