Chapter 8: Rain Fight

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Francis slowly highers his head as he coughs, looking around as some infected try to get in, glass everywhere. He feels his head, as his hand comes back with some blood on it, he finds his gun as he looks over at Keith.

"Hey, wake up. We need to get out of here" he tries to wake Keith up.

Keith slowly opens his eyes, smelling smoke as he turns to Francis," what happened?" He asks, as he looks head into a house," shit".

Francis uses the butt of his gun, as he finishes breaking the glass to the windshield," we need to get out of here, I think it's going to blow."

Keith tries his door, but it doesn't budge," dying kind of sounds like a good idea right now" he tries to smile from his joke.

"Sounds like a terrible idea" Francis unbuckles his seatbelt, looking around," I don't see any fire yet, so we're good" and moves forward as some infected tries to reach him from the outside of his door.

Keith crawls forward, unbuckling his seatbelt as he follows Francis out from the windshield, and falls on the floor looking up at Francis," I think I broke something".

"Yeah, your brain. Now let's get a move on" Francis helps Keith to his feet, turning back as something leaks in the car," we need to RUN, like NOW" he pushes Keith ahead, as he goes through a door, but leads into the bathroom.

"This way" Keith yells, opening up another door as it leads to the outside, he runs with Francis right behind him, just as the car blows up, along with the house and Keith quickly hides behind a car, in case of debris.

Francis covers his head just as the place explodes right after he went out the back door, onto another street as he hides behind another car, beside Keith with his gun held tight to his chest.

"Well, that was epic" Keith slowly gets to his feet, some glass in his hand as he pulls them out, feeling the pain as it starts bleeding," I think I'm hurt".

"You'll survive" Francis looks around, as some infected's body parts land on the ground," there goes the neighborhood".

Keith follows after Francis, walking behind him," do you got an extra...." but gets interrupted as Francis hands him a handgun," well, thanks".

"Anytime kid" he looks ahead," just a couple more blocks, then we're there".

"A couple more blocks equals a couple more nightmares" Keith mentions.

"You outta get out more" Francis tells him, walking down the long empty street with abandoned cars and silence.

Keith ignores Francis's comment as he follows after him, staring straight ahead," so when we get this evacuation, where will it take us?"

"To mars" Francis tells him, looking inside a gun store, peeking in.

"No distractions, I've learned distractions can get you killed" Keith tells him," we got guns".

"I know we've got guns, but we need ammo" Francis pulls open the front door, sticking his head in," clear" and opens it for Keith, then stares ahead into the darkness, at someone crying on the floor and quickly turns off his light, looking at Keith," don't.........move".

"Why? It might be another survivor" he smirks," maybe a hot survivor".

"You don't understand" he starts whispering," it's an infected. She goes crazy if she hears loud noise or light".

"You can hear light?" Keith asks.

"Shut up, you know what I mean" Francis warns him.

"Hey" Keith walks closer to the crying sound," you okay?"

"You idiot" Francis says," get your ass back here before she rips your damn head off your shoulders".

Keith slowly bends down, just as he then stares into her red eyes as a loud scream happens. Keith quickly gets back to his feet, slowly turning his head around trying to get a clear shot, but the crying lady knocks him down.

Francis tries to act quickly as he runs at the crying lady, pushing her as he aims his gun and starts pulling the trigger as he watches blood come flying out of her body, and watches her fall to the floor," ding dong, the witch is dead".

Keith climbs to his feet," what the FUCK was that?"

"Did anyone ever tell you to listen to your elders?" Francis looks at him," I'm guessing you never even graduated high school" reloading his gun.

"Whoa, nice" Keith tears off a piece of his shirt.

"NOO" Francis yells at him.

Keith punches one of the glass cases that holds an AK-47, just as an alarm sounds off," whoops" Keith says, quickly grabbing the gun as he turns to Francis.

"DO YOU EVER LISTEN?" Francis asks him.

Keith turns back as a crowd of infected runs from every direction, then Keith spots a Hunter as it tries to pounce on him, but he shoots it just in the nick of time as it drops dead, he turns to Francis," what do we do?"

"God damn it, do I have to be the only smart one around here?" Francis shoots down five infected as they run for him, he then notices a gas tank on a car just out in the street," SHOOT THE GAS TANK".

"WHAT?" Keith asks, as he couldn't hear him the first time just as a Smoker grabs him by it's tongue, slowly pulling him in as more infected run in their direction.

"Oh shit" Francis runs after Keith, as he quickly pulls out his knife cutting the tongue, then spots the Smoker on top of a car as he aims then watches the Smoker drops dead from the shots, and quickly helps Keith to his feet.

Keith starts spreading bullet shots just as a car is thrown at him, but he quickly ducks as it misses him and he looks ahead," what the hell is that thing?" He points, as he spots a gigantic Tank.

"It's a very dangerous thing" Francis stares at the Tank as it runs nearer them, he turns to Keith," GO, NOW. I'll distract the Tank, but promise me you'll make it to Mercy Hospital" as it starts pouring down rain.

"What about you?" Keith asks.

"I'll be right behind you" Francis yells over the loud noises,"GOOO, NOOWW" and watches as Keith races off from the infected, Francis turns his head as the Tank finally reaches him, he shoots down two more infected.

"Come get you some dinner, freak" Francis ducks as the Tank tries to hit him. He quickly runs around some more cars as he avoids a few more infected, and turns around just as the Tank runs at him, then throws a right as this time he catches Francis as his body goes flying down the street, right into a car just as the car's alarm goes off," you have got to be kidding me".

A Hunter then pounces on him from above, Francis drops his gun as it tries to rip out his heart, he reaches for his gun as, instead he reaches for his knife as he cuts the Hunter's neck, watching it drop off him. He then quickly grabs his gun as a couple of infected bites him on the neck, he pushes them off of him, to see as the Tank picks up some concrete, and aims for him but he grabs his gun rolling out of sight as it misses,"is that all you got?"

Quick to react, he starts shooting the Tank, giving him all he's got, then decides to shoot the car behind him as he finally shoots the car tank, and it blows up just as it drops the Tank. Francis tries to wipe all the water from the rain in his eyes as he gets up, watching the Tank slowly get back to it's feet, he then drives his knife into the Tank's head, as hard as he can as he watches blood come out, the rain almost blinding Francis as he takes the knife out, driving it into the skull five more times making sure it's dead. He looks down at the Tank as he looks up at the sky, the rain washing the blood from him as he takes a deep breath, then looks up ahead at Mercy Hospital. 

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