Chapter 12: Burned Memories

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Keith slowly opens up his eyes, looking around at the new enviroment, staring at four walls surrounding him. Everything around him almost looks like it's from another world, everything looked so old and dirty. He tries to move his hands, but is unable. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out, noticing his hands has been tied behind his back of the chair, and tape over his mouth.

All of a sudden, the door right in front of him, the only one leading into the dark room with only one small light above him, opens up. Two guys, one looking like some sort of scientist, and the other looking like some sort of hippie.

Keith tries to yell," WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" but nothing comes out, just a bunch of spit, and some blood.

The scientist looking man, now that he's up closer, has grey hair and small facial hair, slowly pulls off the tape from Keith's mouth saying," ah, your awake".

Keith looks up at the man, yelling at him," WHO ARE YOU?" He looks back at the hippie looking guy, expecting torture or something, but nothing happens as he turns back to the old guy," why are you doing this?" Tears almost fall from his eyes, from the pain in him.

"Just call me Aaron" the scientist smiles, looking down at the country boy," and I'm guessing your Keith?" He throws down Keith's ID right at his feet, and looks at the man," me and my friend......Freddy, we used to work at the CDC. But when shit hit the fan, everyone we knew died".

"Seems to happen alot nowadays, ya know?" Keith looks up at the men, wondering what they are going to do with him," I'm not the one who started this thing".

Aaron laughs," of course not, no one would expect a fellow redneck like yerself to start something you can't finish."

"What does this have to do with me? Just let me go" Keith looks around, hoping for a way out.

"For a few weeks now" the man named Freddy speaks," we've been trying to find a cure, getting some survivors and testing on them" he tells him. 

"Of course, what would you expect from a no good B rated company like you guys?" Keith says.

Freddy then slaps him across the face, leaving a bright red mark there as the young country boy spits out some blood from the assault.

"There was that slap" Keth whispers.

Aaron looks at the man," and you will be our next test subject." Then in the near distance, a scream is heard, sounding like a dying animal.

"I'll be back" Freddy says to his boss, leaving the room disappearing down the corridor somewhere.

Aaron turns back to the young kid," I'm sorry about my friend, he can get a little upset sometimes. He recently lost his younger brother to this..........this nightmare" he comes closer to him," don't you see what we're doing here, is good? We're trying to find a cure".

"By testing it on the one's who's survived this hell so far" Keith spits some blood at the old man," I swear, ONCE I GET OUT OF HERE".

"All you rednecks are the same, same temper, same accent, same disease." The old man backs up a little bit, wiping the spit from his face.

"Where are my friends?" Keith asks, wondering if they got caught aswell, but doubts it remembering how good Francis was.

"We just took you" Aaron turns to the wall, looking at a a piece of paper reading something about the cure," you're friends would have been a handful".

"I'm not even bitten" Keith looks to him," so either way, your stupid plan won't work".

"You will be" Aaron turns back to him, with an evil smile.

Keith looks at the man, hearing a final scream in the distance, then a gunshot. Next second, nothing but lonliness and silence. Knowing exactly what happened to the suffering soul.

Aaron looks through Keith's wallet," ah, nice family. Who's this weird looking guy?" He shows the picture to Keith, pointing at Keith's good frieind.

"Ellis" Keith speaks his friend's name, knowing their probably just going to kill him, a dark sadness flows over him, hearing footsteps coming to the doorframe, watching the big man known as Freddy return from his short vacation.

"I bet he gets more tail than you in a week" Aaron laughs, flipping through the pictures, and the wallet as he brings up a lighter to the wallet with the pictures in it, flicking the thing on as fire bursts from the hole.

"Please don't........." Keith watches the old man, as he brings the flame closer and closer.

Aaron looks to the man, smiling," you're going to be a dead man anyway" and brings the flame to the wallet, as it burns everything in it, the low cash he had, his pictures and everything else.

"You're going to regret that" Keith tells the man, as he tries to wiggle his hands, trying to find a way out of this mess.

"We'll be back soon" Aaron promises, as he and Freddy closes the door behind, going to another test subject.

Keith looks down at the ground, as a recent picture of him and Ellis slowly burns, showing them with a shotgun, on a hunting trip in Georgia. Ellis giving him the bunny ears from behind, as he hears an infected somewhere, then five shots fired, then more silence as he gets one hand free. 

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