Chapter 25: Nothing to do but RUN

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Bill opens ups eyes, laying naked on a few blankets, Zoey right beside him. He slowly raises his head, in a sitting position, then hears some noises coming from right outside the Church. He slowly gets up, putting his clothes back on without waking Zoey up, then looks out the window. 

"Help me" someone starts banging on the front doors, crying out," PLEASE!!"

"What was that?" Zoey asks, sitting up covering up her breasts with the blanket.

"Put your clothes on" Bill tells her," we have a visitor".

Zoey quickly gets up, putting her clothes back on tying her hair in a pony tail,"who is that?" Hearing the banging on the door.

Bill looks through his scope, a horde of infected runs their way towards the man, Bill quickly pushes the piano out of the way, then opens up the door," come on in".

The man runs past Bill, looking around," thank you so much" the man having messy long blonde hair, a hat on his head and a few scratches on his face," I mean it, thank you".

Bill pushes the piano in front of the door, turning back to the mystery man," can you tell me who you are?"

The mystery man looks at both Bill, Zoey then turns back to Bill a scared look in his eyes," my name? My name is Peter. Peter Poller. You probably seen me in a few movies".

"Nope" Zoey goes over to them," wait, your telling us you were a movie star?"

"Actor" Peter tells her," and I still am. Once this mess comes to an end" Peter goes over to one of the chairs," I was with my fiance, we were hiding out in a farmhouse. But it got overrun by those, those sick people".

"They ain't people" Bill lights up a cigarette, taking a quick drag,"those are animals".

"You can think that if you want" Peter then takes one of Bill's cigarettes," can I take this? Thank you" and lights it up," we were heading to Florida Keys, an island near Florida the state".

"Yeah, we're from America" Zoey looks out the window, the infected pounding at the doors,"they never stop".

"Flordia Keys? Why head there?" Bill asks him.

"It's safe, last I heard" Peter looks up at Bill,"trust me. It's safe".

"What's on your face?" Zoey looks at the stranger, not trusting him just yet," are those scratches?"

Peter feels his face, one of the scratches still bleeding," I fell, running. Plus you can only turn once your bitten, right?" 

Bill looks at Peter, then stares as a red dot appears on his chest, Bill looks out the window then dives throwing Peter on the ground," DUCK" he yells.

Zoey looks out the window, shots are fired as the infected outside drops, then several men with guns appears coming up to the church. The men starts shooting the windows as the glass shatters all over the floor, bouncing everywhere.

"What the hell?" Peter cries out, feeling his chest, blood coming from his stomach.

Bill looks at Peter's wound, helping the guy up going away from the windows," we got to get out of here".

Zoey grabs her gun, fixing her shirt as another shot is heard, watching Peter drop down, a bullet wound in the back of his head as she cries out, staring at the man who was once a movie star.

Bill watches the man drop down from his arms, having been shot in the head," we have to move NOW" looking at the back door.

Zoey quickly moves, hearing the front door break down right behind her as she dashes to the back exit, unlocking the door then escaping out into the fresh air, the sun hitting her face.

Bill follows right behind her, closing the back door behind them, pointing ahead," let's move our asses" bullets flying through the door already.

Zoey runs down the street, some infected starts chasing after her, Bill right behind her with the guys with guns running right after them, aiming trying to shoot them down. She takes deep breaths, turning left down another street trying to lose them.

Bill follows right behind her, the shooting looks like it have stopped, but the infected follows close behind the war veteran, trying to grab him or bite him at any cost. The sun hits his face, as he quickly turns around and takes three of the infected down aiming for their head, dropping them.

Zoey turns back, watching Bill take down some infected," BILL".

Bill quickly turns around, after finishing off most of the horde on his own and follows after Zoey, taking very deep breaths as he spots something off in the distance," is that a boathouse?"

Zoey quickly stops, catching her breath looking behind them," I think......" she takes another deep breath," I think we lost them".

"For now" Bill tells her, he looks back at the boathouse off on the side of the road, catching his breath aswell,"you think they'll have a free boat?"

"I don't get it" Zoey says," who where those guys? They certainly weren't military. Where they after that Peter guy?" She asks, turning to the boathouse looking at it.

"Maybe, or maybe Peter just pissed some guys off" Bill walks towards the boathouse lighting up a cigarette,"we should check that boathouse, who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and find some new equipment".

"You got lucky last night, and what if they come back for us? You're just going to pretend everything's okay and ignore the situation at hand?" Zoey tells him, looking at him.

"You really want to know who those guys were? They were nothing more than common thieves. You ever heard of..." Bill looks behind Zoey, looking at dozens of infected running after them,"RUN".

"I'M TIRED OF RUNNING" she screams at him, looking behind her at hell's army chasing them.

Bill grabs Zoey's hand,"LET'S GO" running down the street suddenly, waiting to hear Zoey behind him.

Zoey watches as the undead run after them, waiting and watching. Then she then dashes for the boathouse, running as fast as she can.

Bill feels the wind blowing, starting to run out of breath. He then stops, looking behind him, realizing Zoey wasn't there, just dozens and dozens of undead.

Images from his past flow through his mind, images of little Anthony. Of his family, and mother. He remembers the good times, and bad times.

Bill watches as the undead closes in, feeling like time was about to stop. He hears the undead cry out for food, all their eyes locked on him. Wanting to make Bill their late lunch.

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