Chapter 11: Roof Trouble

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Just as Francis comes in nearer at Louis, the former college student opens up his eyes, and his mouth moves," I'm not dead.......yet" he stares down at the ground, as the elevator slowly slows down, stopping at the last floor" looks like we've made it".

Francis relaxes, a smile coming to his face," you know, I could've shot you".

"But you didn't" Louis looks up at him.

Bill looks to the group, as the elevator comes to a stop," you folks ready for this? Now to the roof".

Bill goes ahead first, as Francis and Zoey try to help Louis up, Bill stares ahead at a door mentioning stairs to the roof," this way" he points, waving for them to follow.

A radio falls down right in front of them, an infected behind a table turning to them as 'Kryptonite-3 doors down' starts playing, the undead staring at them as it gets excited, and puts on it's hungry face running towards them.

Bill aims, then shoots at the head, the infected instantly falling down with impact from the bullet. The old man turns back to them," watch our backs, this isn't going to be a rollar coaster ride, ya know?" Lighting up another cigarette.

"I like this song" Francis tells them, letting go of Louis as she starts dancing abit to the song.

"We need to go" hearing some undead somewhere in the distance," remember, they're attracted to noise, even music you dumbass" saying this to Francis, helping Louis up ahead towards the door that says 'To Roof'.

Bill leads the group up the stairs, Francis closing the door behind them just as many infected try for them, but failing once again. The group runs up the stairs and to the roof opening the door as fresh air hits them right in the face.

"So, where's the evac?" Francis yells.

Bill looks inside a small building on the roof as a radio echoes, the voice being the voice of the pilot they seen before," over there" he hurries over in the direction as Zoey and Francis closes the door, locking it hoping it'll hold.

"Howdy, are you the pilot?" Bill grabs the radio mic, asking into it.

"Yeah, who is this?" The pilot asks over the radio.

"There are four of us on top of the hospital, we heard your voice earlier" Bill says.

"I'll be there in 15" the pilot says back.

Bill yells to his friends," HELPS ON THE WAY".

"Thank god" Francis turns to Bill, then back to Louis on the ground," you're going to be alright".

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one dying here" Louis tells him. 

"Who do you think took Keith?" Zoey asks, still thinking about that weird scene.

"Goverment, mad scientist, mad zombies, I don't know" Francis answers back.

Bill walks back to the group, no noise around them, just quietness and fresh air," looks like we're getting out of this after all".

"Oh my god" Francis looks down at the streets, at all the damage the 'green flu' has caused. He stares at the broken down cars, bloody streets, dead bodies everywhere and the smell," I remember when this world was a much better place".

Bill looks down throwing down his cigarette," well......" then hears a Hunter's yell behind him, as he slowly turns his head, and stares at something in a hood, bent down ready to pounce as he drops his cigarette.

The Hunter pounces high in the air, coming down on top of Zoey as she screams for help, the Hunter trying to rip into her skin, screaming aloud as if it's happy to see her. The Hunter stares into her eyes, ripping at her clothes.

 Bill runs at the Hunter, slamming it's head with his gun, knocking the Hunter off of her, as the Hunter quickly recovers, looking at the veteran as it screams, and tries to pounce on him, but Bill blocks it hitting it with his gun once more. 

Francis points his gun, pulling the trigger as he watches the bullets enter the Hunter, pushing him back as he goes nearer the edge of the rooftop, then Francis runs at the Hunter, hitting it in it's face with the gun as he tries to push it off. The Hunter falls off the ledge, but, grabs ahold of Francis's leg as he trips the big man, trying to bring him off the roof with him.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME......" Francis yells down to the Hunter, as he slips but grabs ahold of the ledge, staring down at the long fall to death. 

"FRANCIS...." Zoey yells, watching the big man fall off the roof, hearing a helicopter nearby.

Bill runs to the ledge of the roof, just as Francis let's go, trying to fight the Hunter off his leg, and grabs ahold of Francis's hand," I'm not letting you die just yet".

Francis stares down as the Hunter falls down through the night air, then hears it crash land on a car down there, hearing a car alarm go off as it attracts the infected surrounding the Hunter," DAMN".

Bill helps Francis back to the roof, as he pulls the big man back to the roof," you're heavier than a truck pulling a car out of a ditch" he looks at the man as he gets back to his feet.

"BEHIND YOU" Zoey yells, pointing to behind both men.

Bill quickly turns around, staring at that same Hunter as it pounces high in the air, blood all over it as it goes for him, but then it gets shot down as it falls through the night air, down to it's death again.

Francis looks up in the air, at a helicopter and a man standing inside it with a gun yelling to them," YOUR WELCOME" over the loud noise.

Bill shakes his head, lighting up another smoke," looks like help finally found us".

Francis goes over to Zoey, helping Louis to his feet and onto the chopper as the pilot and the other man helps them, Francis looks at them," how are you two still alive?"

"I can ask the same about you four" the pilot looks at all four of them, then at Louis," he needs medical attention, what happened to him?"

Bill looks at him," he survived a fight with a Tank".

"A what?" The pilot asks him.

Bill looks at the pilot," something very big and very dangerous".

The four survivors get on the plane, as the other passenger tends to Louis's wounds, wrapping it up with a few clothing in the chopper, trying to patch him up. Francis, Bill and Zoey looks around, and out the window wondering where they're going, glad their nightmare is finally over, as Zoey looks at the neck of the pilot, noticing a small bite on his neck. 

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