Chapter 20: Fog of the Unknown

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"What do we do?" Zoey looks at Bill, a worried look in her eyes.

Bill stands there with Zoey outside the truck looking down at the torn up Tank, thinking to himself.

Zoey shakes Bill's arm,"come on, Bill."

Bill continues staring into the dark fog, in deep thought saying,"I've seen all of this before".

"What do you mean?" Zoey asks him, bugs flying around the dead carcass that was once a destructive Tank.

"I never thought much of it till now. They called it the 'Green Project'" Bill finally turns to her,"back on the field, my sergeant mentioned something like, raising the dead. The military must have been testing this.....this flu longer than any of us could imagine".

Zoey hears his words,"you fought these things before?"

"They had us fight these, dummies, is what they called them. But they looked so real, I should have even known then" Bill turns back to the truck,"we should get out of here, before we become someone's snack".

Zoey stands there, taking all of this in. She kicks the arm on the ground, heading back to the truck.

Bill starts up the engine again,"it was the worst day of my life, fighting those things for a damn training exercise".

Zoey gets into the passenger seat, closing the door,"so when you die, you can say you've lived through hell twice" joking about it.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore" driving over the Tank's right foot squishing it.

Zoey looks back out the window,"what do you think tore that Tank apart? I mean...."

Bill looks to her,"I don't want to know" turning left down another street,"all I want is some damn cigarettes."

Zoey shakes her head,"when don't...." suddenly the truck stops, Bill killing the engine,"BILL?"

Bill stares ahead, not taking his eyes from the creature ahead of them, whispering,"I think we found our murderer" pointing at it.

Zoey looks out the front window, her heart almost skipping a beat staring at a 15 foot tall, what looks to be an oversized tank sniffing a sign reading 'Riverside 5 miles'.

Seconds later, the thing disappears into the fog,"we're safe. But I don't know for how long".

"What the hell was that?" Zoey turns to him, asking.

"Must be new this year" Bill looks out into the fog, staring at the other side, at a bright light,"I think I spot us a place to turn in for the night" starting up the engine.

Zoey sits there as they come closer to it,"looks like a church. Well, it's better than a cemetery".

Bill drives closer to the nearby light. Some hope finally forming for them. Just as they get closer, Bill notices something else in the fog, right in front of the church.

Bill stops the armored truck,"I think we're looking at both".

Zoey looks ahead, at a cemetery right in front of the church,"fuck me".

Bill slowly exits the truck, slamming the door behind him grabbing his gun looking at some movement in the fog,"lets just hope we find some cigarettes fast. I've had enough of this bullshit" reloading his rifle.

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