Chapter 15: Goodbye, Friend

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Louis opens up his eyes, blood everywhere as he lifts up his head, pain shoots through his stomach letting out a cry.

Bill coughs, glass everywhere as he quickly gets to his feet,"everyone alright?"

Zoey looks down, a hole in her shirt almost revealing her left breast,"I'll be fine".

Francis throws a piece of debris off him,"goddammit".

"Oh my god" Zoey turns her attention to Louis, a piece of debris going right through his stomach, running over to the former college student.

Bill watches this,"oh my".

Louis coughs up blood, staring at Zoey running to him,"it ain't that bad".

"We can just" Zoey touches the debris, knowing they can't do anything. Tears falling from her eyes.

Francis keeps his distance, watching for any infected as he turns back to the helicopter crash site.

"We're going to get you out of this" Zoey tells Louis, trying to move the debris but Louis screams in pain.

Louis sits there, bleeding out as he turns to Zoey,"listen to me" breathing heavily,"I want you, Bill & Francis to get the hell out of here before any infected comes, okay?"

Bill takes off his cap bending down to Louis,"son, I want you to have this" handing his cap to him,"you were a brave soldier. I just wish things would've turned out a bit differently".

Louis takes the cap,"".

Francis goes over to the group, putting his gun away,"Louis, you did good kid".

"Ca.....can you do it?" Louis asks.

"Do what?" Bill asks

"Put me...." a few tears fall from Louis's face,"put me out of my misery".

"WHAT"Zoey says.

"I don't.....I don't want to get torn apart by those.....those things" Louis tells her.

Francis walks away, not wanting to see this.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Bill asks, as it starts thundering off in the distance.

Louis nods,"I'm s....sure".

Zoey walks away crying, as it starts pouring down rain from the skies above.

Bill looks to the ground,"life, you only live it once" he turns back to Louis,"sometimes, just sometimes once is enough" getting to his feet.

Louis looks up at the war veteran,"do it. JUST DO IT" Louis yells through the rain.

Bill takes out his handgun, aiming at Louis's head, his hand shaking,"you don't have to do this, son".

"There's no going back" Louis tells him,"I'm dead one way, or another. This way, I don't have to feel this pain" tears fall from his face, continuing to bleed.

Bill responds,"I understand".

Louis replies,"promise me one thing"

"What?" Bill asks.

"Stay alive" Louis says, waiting for his end to come.

Bill pulls the trigger closing his eyes. He slowly opens them, staring at Louis's brain cells everywhere, his hat on the ground with Louis's blood on it

Francis speaks up,"he didn't deserve it" he turns to Bill,"but the world has changed".

Bill hears Zoey crying somewhere in the distance, turning to Francis,"Louis, will not be forgotten. He.....he was a brave soldier".

Francis looks around, a tear actually falling from his eye,"lets get Zoey & get out of here. If I'm correct, we're close to Riverside".

Bill looks down at what's left of Louis,"lets get a move on, then".

Zoey looks down the empty road, saying to herself,"this new world sucks".

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