Chapter 27: I Hate Goodbyes

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Francis takes a deep breath, helping Alex out of the water,the canoe tipped canoe floating away"your a brave kid".

Alex gets to his feet, turning to the biker,"don't call me that".

"Call you what?" Francis asks, picking up his handgun, reloading the sucker.

"Kid. It just just sounds like I'm just a kid. Like, you know what? Just, nevermind" Alex looks out at the water,"where'd you learn to build a pipebomb anyway?"

Francis shakes his head,"college".

"Wait, your telling me, a badass like you went to college?" Alex laughs.

Francis reveals a smirk, from the word badass,"you know Alex? Maybe you are worth keeping around" he looks into the woods at a trail path, the morning air passing by.

Alex follows after him, trying to dry off his handgun,"what do you miss about the old world?"

"Cake. I miss the sweet taste of cake" Francis answers to him, following the trail with birds chirping in the background.

"I miss girls" Alex follows after him, feeling the leaves trickle against his skin,"and my father".

Francis turns to his right, spotting a campsite,"your father loved you".

"How long has this been here?"

"Stay" Francis commands, noticing the firepit filled with flames, and meat as he heads towards the tent, being cautious.

"Be careful" Alex whispers his way.

Francis quickly unzips the tent door, looking inside. All he see's is an empty sleeping bag, a couple half eaten apples and cake on a plate.

"The hell is this? God's way of telling me hope is still alive?" Francis shakes his head, then hears a Smoker's cough as he turns to Alex as fast as he can.

Alex feels something grab around his neck, pulling him in. He gets pulled right past Francis, hitting a tree as he slowly gets pulled upwards. The thing around his neck tightening it's grip, as he can barely speak.

Francis runs over to the kid, grabbing his legs,"listen to me...try to" then hears a shot from behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A man stands behind Francis, shotgun pointed right at him,"what do you plan on doing to my brother?"

"Brother?" Francis asks, looking up at the Smoker, now realizing what he was talking about.

"You people, try to snoop around my camp. Trying to steal my SHIT" the shotgun guy glares his eyes,"I should put you both down right now".

"Let him go. He's just a kid" Francis yells at him, staring at the shotgun pointed at him.

"Kids" the shotgun guy speaks,"are everything that's wrong with this world. Thank god for this apocalypse".

Francis looks at the double barrel shotgun,"just put the gun down. Let's talk about this like civilized people.

"But we're not civilized" he takes a step back.

Alex hangs there, the grip abit looser. Sweat pouring down his face, thinking of what to do. Then an idea comes to mind.

Francis looks at the guy,"goddammit. Will you just put the gun down".

Alex takes action, he bites on the long tongue, as it finally let's go and he falls 4 feet to the ground. Taking a deep breath, relieved

"NOO" Francis watches the guy aim, then fire a shot as Francis tackles him to the ground. He delivers several right hands to his face, then twists his neck, breaking it.

Alex hears the shot, getting to his feet watching Francis pound away. He stands there, then realizes something's wrong.

Francis looks up,"Al.." then he stops, just staring at the kid, eyes wide in horror.

Alex looks down, looking at it too. A big hole in his stomach, blood pouring out of it as he just falls to the ground.

"NOOO" Francis runs to him, lifting his head staring at his wound,"you're not dying on me".

Alex spits out some blood, looking up at him, hands over the wound,"am I ....." spits out more blood.

"No" tears fall from Francis's face,"I'm not letting you die. I promised your father" he looks at the kid, blood all over him,"stay with me".

Alex feels numb all over, barely hearing anything, shedding tears too,"I'm...." he coughs up more blood,"I'm sorry".

"You have nothing to be sorry for" tears shedding,"you were a brave kid,your father would of been proud".

"I told you" he looks up into the clouds,"I told you not to call me a kid" he tries to laugh but it hurts.

Francis chuckles,"force of habit".

Alex looks up, coughs one last time, then nothing. The breathing stops, a motionless corpse. The skin turning pale as a ghost.

Francis starts crying, filled with anger and sadness,"whhyy" he yells out,"he didn't deserve this. WHY COULDN'T OF IT BEEN ME".

Francis goes over, grabbing Alex's bag, opening it. He looks at a few Chloe Moretz posters, family photos, food and water.

He puts the bag right by the body, zipping it back up shedding some more tears, looking down at the lifeless corpse. Remembering just 30 minutes ago they were talking, living.

20 minutes later Francis finds a shovel, digging through the ground.Tears still falling from his face, blood on his hands. Anger filling his heart.

Moments later, he puts Alex's body down into the ground, along with the Chloe Moretz posters, family photos and the gun. He then starts burying the body, sweat pouring down his head.

"I'm not good a goodbyes" Francis looks down into the ground, the body now buried,"you reminded me of myself in a way" wiping a couple tears away,"you....didn't deserve this. Well, I guess we all die in the end. Right? In closing, I'm going to miss you, buddy" Francis stands there, staring into the ground, wishing he could rewind time.

That's when he hears a gun go off somewhere in the distance. Knowing something else is happening, as he picks up the shotgun. The Smoker is heard too, anger inside him as he reloads it.

"Time to die, fucker" Francis looks back at the grave one last time, then turns back into the woods. The hunt begins.

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