The Angel Beside Me

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"Dean!" Sam screeched from the library

"What?!" Dean exhaled from the  comfortable couch he was resting on

"Get in here quick I think we have a case!"

Dean makes his way through the bunker to where Sam was in the library on his computer looking at a possible case.

" so get this, a man was arrested for murdering 8 people. the cops claim he always disappeared into thin air when they would turn a corner. He would just disappear. "

"What are you thinking? A ghost? "

Sam then continued, "Maybe, but check this out. He was arrested the same day after his 8th kill in a grocery store 8 cities away when spotted buying milk."

"You'd think he'd try to keep a low profile, wait, did u say 8 cities away? " Dean stated in a shocked tone. Dean began wondering what kind of creature was capable of doing so.

"Right and yea 8 cities away. when he was brought in and interrogated he claimed he was never at the locations of the killings. The last killing had only happened an hour before being arrested. How could he have traveled over 8 LARGE cities in an hour." Sam said with the most confused look on his face.

They both began going through books trying to figure out what creature was doing this. Sam going through Several folk lore books and Dean going through his dad's journal. Dean couldn't help but shake this feeling that he had been through a case like this before. Sam began gathering any possible weapons for this job and hoped in the impala, Dean followed.

**Do you guys know what monster this is?? xD Hint: A case involving this monster was in Season 1. **

On the way to go investigate this case Cas appeared in the backseat with a rather giant box startling the boys.


"Holy shit! Cas quick scarin us like that" Dean jumped a little at the sudden angel in the backseat.

"My apologies I will work on my timing. "

" Haha so what's up Cas? And what's in the box?"

" I don't understand?"

"No Cas see... It's a ... Never mind" Sam says as he sees Cas do his famous head tilt.

"What can we do for you? Or what can we help you with" Dean chimes in.

"Well nothing really I was just taking care of business for Gabriel when I came across a pie shop while roaming the streets and I remembered Dean liked pie so I grabbed him 40 of his favorite pie...pecan pie."

Deans eyes widened as he pulled the impala over to the side of the road and turned around to look at Cas. There was a moment of silence where Dean and Cas just starred into each other's eyes.  Sam interrupted the silence by clearing his throat.

"Uhm uh, Thank you Cas, that was really uh sweet of you" Dean said with a sudden red blush visible in his cheeks.

"Of course Dean. Anything for you" saying the last part under his breath while looking away. Cas couldn't help but smile widely at the beautiful specimen in front of him. Leading to again another awkward silence for Sammy. 

" so uh Cas, would you like to join us on this mission? We still have little clue as to what were hunting." Sam said flashing Dean a cheapish smile. Dean trying to hide his rosy red cheeks.

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