Freaky Tuesday

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"Dean..I don't know what to say."- Castiel

"It's just a gift Castiel, I think a thank you would do just fine."- Dean

"Dean..Thank you." - Castiel

"Your welcome Castiel." - Dean

"He's quite adorable." - Castiel said looking up at Dean 

"Yea he's a cutie." - Dean said looking Down at the kitten purring in Castiels hands.

" Why do you come bearing gifts?" - Castiel asks setting the kitten down in front of its milk bowl.

"I just thought it would be a nice thing to do you know since uh, we've been friends for a while, and uh, I thought you deserved one." - Dean 

"Well thank you Dean, I very much appreciate it." - Castiel says walking up to dean and giving him a tight hug.

"Anytime Cas." - Dean said hugging Castiel back tightly

"So I think I have a case for us.." - Sam says walking into the living room

"Oh uh, yea, what's up, what you got?" - Dean says letting go of Cas.

" Sorry, didn't mean to interru.." - Sam

"No, I was just going to take Officer Mittens here to the room." - Castiel says picking up the kitten. 

Sam and Dean both look over at Castiel with a questioning face

"Wha..what is that?" - Sam says pointing at the kitten.

"Oh dean got me a kitten." - Castiel said with a huge grin spread across his face.

"Uhuh." - Sam said looking over at Dean who was suddenly really interested in a book.

"I will be in my room if anybody needs me." - Castiel said teleporting away with the kitten. 

" So, what's the case about?" - Dean said poking his head out of the upside down book.

" When did you even talk to me about getting a pet? Do you even know how to take care of one?" - Sam 

" Oh come on, We can feed it our leftovers and give it beer and milk, and water." - Dean

"Yea, please don't go anywhere near that cat." - Sam said grabbing the computer and sitting down. 

" Did you see how happy he was though, you should've seen how his eyes lit up when I handed him the kitten." - Dean said starring off into the distance thinking about it some more.

Sam just smiled and looked at Dean until he came back to reality. 

"What?" - Dean

"You were out for a whole 5 minutes." - Sam said smiling

" Shut-up. What do you got?" - Dean 

"Here take a look." - Sam

" Huh, well lets go check it out, maybe ask a few folks that new these people since there is barely anything here." - Dean

"Alright, I'll let Cas know." - Sam

"Let me know what?" - Castiel said appearing before the two with a sleeping kitten in his arms.

" We...were you listening the hole time?" - Sam

"No, But I did hear my name so I came. I am a celestial Being." - Castiel 

" Okay well, we're going to go ahead and go, you coming with?" - Sam

" Of course." - Castiel said with his serious face, holding the kitten with one arm and an angel blade in the other. 

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